Chapter 6 - The Reason

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     "I just can't ignore this Ressler." Liz's voice was getting more and more irritated by the minute. Her and Agent Ressler sat in his car as they decided what to do next.

      "I know it's unlikely Keen, but there are other explanations as to why you heard the ambulance on the other end." His voice was stern, and just as irritated was hers.  They'd been arguing about this since the incident at the coffee shop just the other night.

        "I just know he was there." she said sighing. "I could feel it."

       "You could feel it." he murmured to himself. "If you're serious about trying to find one of the most wanted criminals in the world, we're going to need more than just a feeling."

       She looked out the window, being struck by that word.  "Criminal." It made him sound like some horrible monster, scaring children in their sleep. And honesty, at first meeting him, that's what she thought of him as. But it wasn't him. Over the time spent with him she'd realized he was far from it. He was more of a guardian; he'd always protected her with every bone in his body. Red was not criminal, he was no monster. He was a guardian angel.

      Ressler sighed the himself. It seemed like every time he talked about Reddington, Liz got quiet. He'd known she had feelings for him for a while, even though she denied it, but he never realized she was so sensitive about it.

      "Alright," he said quietly, making his tone softer. "We've tracked Dembe down, and that's the best lead we've had so far. Let's go with the plan to talk to him, and see if we can get any idea at where Reddington is at."

     She looked at him for a second, being greatly he was here to help. Though they never really got along well before, she was glad she had someone to help her through this. Not just with finding him, but supporting her as well. She knew she had a tendency to be a bit dramatic, and over react, but after everything she went through with Tom, she felt she had the right to.

    Ressler slowly pulled the car out into the traffic of the street. It amazed Liz at how calm he was, his movements still smooth after everything that was happening. As she thought about it, she tried thinking about the situation from his perspective. He'd not done case after case with him.  To Ressler,  this was just finding another wanted man. He had not developed... feelings,or whatever the hell this was.

   The night of the 'ambulance' incident, Liz kept insisting they must do something more than just sitting,  and waiting for something too go off of, they decided to track Dembe. If anyone knew where Red was,  it would be him,  even if he wasn't that willing to share. 

   They'd tracked his phone to a smaller town just south of queens. The drive wasn't too bad, besides the awkward silence at the start of the ride. Liz tried to turn on the radio, and lighten the mood, but Ressler didn't seem to care. He seemed too distracted by the traffic. Liz herself started getting tired,  though the drive from Manhattan was only about 30 minutes. Ressler glanced over at her with a bit of a confused look.

     "You know, the driver isn't going to be that long. Not really enough time to nap there sleepy." He mocked jokingly.

      She smiled. "I know I know.  I just have a thing with car rides. Whenever I'm riding in a car, the movement, it just...  I don't know.  I just find it so relaxing. I almost always fall asleep."

       He laughed. "Remind me to never get in a car with you driving."

      "It's not when I'm driving." She smiled. "When I'm driving,  my mind is focused on the road, or the radio. But if I'm just sitting in the passenger seat with my thoughts, I just feel so calm." She paused too snap her fingers. "And then I'm out. "

      "You get stranger and stranger everyday Agent Keen."

     "Oh just shut up and drive." Liz's laughed.

*       *         *

    "I think this is it." Liz said as they pulled up to a construction site. Every other mid-sized family house on the block was just a plain-Jane house. The area where Dembe's phone signal was coming from, was an empty lot, with nothing but the foundation of a home. They both got out of the car, and approached the half home where they found Dembe standing with a clipboard,  overlooking everything.

      "Elizabeth Keen." Dembe's voice sounded as though he'd been awaiting her arrival. "And Agent Ressler?" He was obviously confused as to why he was with her.

      "Hello Dembe. How've you been?" She asked, ignoring his confusion about Ressler.

       "Eh. I've been alright. Just been re-building this house here." He gestured to the  construction.

       "I was going to ask about that. What happened?"

     "The man, the owner of the home, got himself a new life,  much better than the one he had before. He got himself a new job, out of trouble, and a reason to live. All because of one lucky woman."

      Liz looked at him confused. "So the man decided to build a new home?"

     "Oh heaven's no, that's too simple." Dembe chuckled. "The man, he feels like he can't hold on to his new life, without letting go of the past."

      Ressler finally spoke up. "You've lost me."

     "The house that used to stand here, was the house where he raised his family. To him, this was the center of a time period of his life."

     "So he's Rebuilding?"

     "He blew it up. I'm just here to rebuild, so a new family can live here."

Liz and Ressler stared at him for a moment, confused about how casually he explained that a man just blew up a home.

    "But," Dembe continued, "I don't think you're here to ask about the destruction of a home, and some sad man's life story, are you?"

      "I need to find Red." Liz said all too quickly.

      "Don't we all." Dembe's smiled as he looked at his clipboard. "I wish I could help you. Believe me Agent Keen,  I do.  If anyone could convince him to come back, it's  you. But I have no idea where he is."

       "So he didn't tell you anything?" She asked, her voice getting edgy.

       "Didn't even know he was leaving, until he called."

       "What's he say?" Ressler asked.

     "He said he was going away for protection for a while, and he'd be in touch when he comes back." Liz exhaled greatly.  So he was planning on coming  back. At least that was something

        "Did he say anything Else?"

      "Fraid not." Dembe paused looking into Liz's eyes. "I really hope you find him Keen. Last time he just up and left like this, it took him 20 years to come back. Reddington has done some questionable things in his time, but he has also done some amazing things, and saved many lives." Liz  nodded as she sighed. No pressure or anything. 

    'At least I have a purpose now.' Liz thought to herself. 'Instead of chasing him down now because of impulsive, and confusing ass feelings. If I don't find him now, he'll be gone for years. Finally, I have a reason.'


Please forgive the tardiness. I promised I'd not give excuses, but I swear on my life, I broke my laptop charger, so I've been tryping this on my tablet (so please excuse any grammar errors or typos) I just ordered a new charger today, so I will keep typing on the tablet until it comes. Thank you all so much for being patient :) 

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