(The long overdue) Chapter 10 - So Close

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Liz sat silently in the van as it flew down the highway. She couldn't help but tense up slightly at the drivers unnecessary speed. They'd been driving away from the abandoned building for about 20 minutes, and Red's careful embrace had since lightened. The ride was silent at first, but it didn't take long for Liz to start asking questions.

"Are we just going to run like that?" She asked Ressler. Her eyes were looking anywhere in the vehicle except for at Red, though his touch still lingered. "How are we going to get Fitch?" She asks to which Red chuckles.

"You don't." He says. She finally looks at him with a confused look. 

"What do you mean?" She questions.

"You don't go after Fitch, he goes after you." He pauses. "Trust me."

" So that's it? We're not going to do anything?" She questions looking at Ressler once more.

"What do you want us to do Keen?" His voice is stern with her. "What would we even do if we had him? Arrest him for kidnapping? He doesn't seem like the type to let a 5 year sentance get him."

"We can figure this out later Liz. For now just relax." Red starts, but she cuts him off with a stern tone.

"Later we might not be able to. We know where he is now."  She shoots Red the most irritated look she could manage.

Ressler rolls his eyes. "Keen, you were just locked in an abandoned building. Hunting down the man who took you in the first place isn't in your best nature."

"Isn't in my best nature." She murmurs quietly to herself sitting back down snapping at the both of them. "We're never going to get an opportunity like this."

"I'll handle it Lizzie." Red says trying his best to be comforting, but Ressler shoots him a look.

"You sure as hell won't. You can't just disappear and expect to be able to walk off. Cooper will be dying hear from you." He snaps.

*                   *                     *

Liz opened up the mini fridge of the all-to-tiny hotel room she was staying in. Cooper insisted she stay somewhere else, just in case Fitch had plans to find her again. But Liz knew he had no such intentions. He took her in the first place to send a message to Reddington. A warning, a scare, or something along those lines, but he had no plans of taking her again. She scoped around in the fridge to find anything to distract her. She's never been much of a drinker, other than wine with dinner, but she figured the situations called for something much stronger. After looking at the depressing selection, she finally just grabbed a random bottle and opened it.

She plopped on the bed, taking a generous sip, trying to ignore the strong taste. Part of her wanted to just sit there and analyze everything that had happened that day, and the other part of her wanted to think about anything but it. How could she though? She'd only just left Tom, and since, everything had been about finding Red. Thoughts of her being taken flashed through her mind. Along with thoughts of the kiss. And the fact that they just let Fitch go. 

After taking her second, more indulgent gulp of her tiny drink, she decided to take a quick shower to clear her mind. She turned on the water, waiting for it to heat up. Every time she tested the water with her hand, it was ice cold. She kept turning the knob warmer and warmer but there was no change in the temperature. She waited a few minutes, giving it a change to warm up before she turned it off and walked over to the phone. 

"Reception." The man answer as she quickly dialed.

"Hi. My shower is only letting out cold water. Could you send someone up to look at it?" She asked as politely as she could, though she felt her tone still possessed a little irritability from her day.

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