Chapter 5 - Let her go

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He walked into his over extravigant hotel room, trying to clear his mind. He looked around at the completely over priced room, regretting wasting his money. Could anyone blame him though? His mind was far from calm, and completely a mess.... just like the room. He grabbed the "Please clean the room" sign and put it on the door closing it behind him.

He barely got a chance to pour himself a drink before his phone rang, breaking his moment of peace. His sighed making sure to check the number. He didn't need another incident with Lizzie. 

Seeing that it was an old friend, and client per usual, he answered, hoping it would end quickly.

"James Kensworth," Red chuckled into the phone, trying to sound his usual self. "Didn't think I'd hear from you for another few years."

"Reddington, nice to talk to you." The man's voice was fairly high pitched for a man his size, so much that it took Red a minute to remember his unusual tone.

"How have you been? Are you enjoying your stay in the Bahama's?" Red asked.

"I've been great, well sort of. That's why I'm calling Red." The was a pause on the other end as Red realized what the call was really about. "I've gotten into a wee bit of trouble you see?" 

"And you need my help?" Red assumed.

"C'mon don't think of it that way. Think of it as old times. You busting me out, taking down every officer on the island..." He tried to continue, but Red cut him of.

"I'm afraid I'd be no use to you right now James." He paused "I'm on a little bit of a vacation myself. Absolutely no work."

"But this isn't work Red. This is two old friends..."

"I'm sorry James. You should try giving Krista a call. I hear she's looking for something to do."

"Don't you go all silent on everyone again Raymond." James warned quietly.

Red forced out a chuckle again. "Can't a man get a little time to breath without being interrogated?"

"Red I heard about Anslo. Is something going on?"

Red paused. "I'm fine James. Stay safe." He said quietly and hung up the phone. Leaning back in the couch he thought about what had happened in the past few weeks. Mostly the day of the 'invasion' as he liked to refer to it. If only things could have gone differently. If only Anslo could have just taken him, instead of making such a scene. If things hadn't been so intense, he wouldn't have had to make such an intense decision.

He tried to fill his mind with all of the negative thoughts he could about Lizzie, which seemed nearly impossible. But there was one thing that he remembered clearly "Go to hell." He let her words replay in his mind, hoping it would make it seem like he made the right choice. Maybe she was happy he was gone, she'd never liked him much anyways. He could tell.

Besides, he didn't have much of a choice. He had to do it. He had to leave D.C. to keep her safe. Though it did surprise him how fast she ended up in NY. Personally, he thought New York would be the last place anyone would look for him.

But there here she was. Not here with him, but here in NY. He closed his eyes as he remembered how her voice sounded as she called to him in the crowds. "Red I need you." Those are the exact words he'd been waiting on her to say since day one, but now that she said them, he had to ignore her, escaping in the crowd.

He shook his head sighing. This was idiotic. There was no other way he could have gone about this. He had to leave her to keep her safe. He had to let her go.


My apologies everyone. I know this chapter is CRAZY short, but I have finals, and I didn't have time to work on the plot. So I figured a short little insight to Red's mind would tie you over just for a little bit :) I plan on picking up the story THE MINUTE I finish my finals, and defiantly finish the story itself by January 13th (WHEN BLACKLIST COMES BACK AHHHHHHHHH) Thanks for being patient lovelies :)

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