Ch. 37: Turning Dreams into Music

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            I paced back and forth in front of the agency. I smoothed out my black over the knee skirt. I took a deep breath and looked down at my outfit. A plain white blouse with a pin stripped collar and a (fav. color) bow tied under it, the black skirt, and a black blazer, all the buttons buttoned, fishnet stockings and ankle boots. My hair was down in a half pony tail, the ends wavy. I smiled down at the ground as I waited for the guys to pick me up.

The thrill. The excitement. The need to break into tears of joy. The day we had won. The memory of winning. I remember the pause, the suspense. And then the win. QUARTET NIGHT. Us. We won. My song won. I couldn't believe it. I wanted to take the win so bad...

But, as I looked into their eyes. Into Reiji's, into Camus', into Ranmaru's, especially into Ai's, I knew taking the win was wrong. It was wrong against the fans, against their morals, against all fairness. I knew we needed a rematch, and that's what we had to do. It broke me, but I knew that's what we had to do. It was the right thing.

A car honked, snapping me out of my reverie. Except, it wasn't the van I was expecting. It was a limo. I stared blankly. The window rolled down and Ai's cyan gaze met mine. "What are you waiting for? Getting in or not?"

I sighed but chuckled as he opened the door and allowed me to climb in. As I shut the door behind myself, I said, "What about the other bakas?"

Ai threw an arm around me. "Do you not want to spend time with me?"

I decided to play along. "Iie, I was going to ask Rei-chan when he was available for a date."

"I do hope you're joking," Ai deadpanned. "I was planning to sing you a song. But, I guess not." He began to withdraw, but I pulled him closer and gently kissed his cheek. "I'm kidding, Ai. Sing for me."

Turning to me with a pout, he said, "Iya da."

I gave a pout of my own, begging him. "Onegai?'

Sighing with a small smile, already giving up, he said, "Fine." He took a deep breath and he began to sing his song. I remember watching him, playing piano, picking different chords, getting frustrated and angry. I offered to help him, but he merely told me no and brushed me off. I was quite offended and saddened by that, but he had made it up to me when he told me he was going to compose a song that would convey his feelings for me. He got it arranged and recorded, and only had one copy made for me. It was wrapped with a little bow on my desk. He forbade me from opening it until he sang it for me. I happily obliged, because I wanted to hear him sing it to me, for me, right in front of me. But, I was itching to hear it.

Ai clicked a button and I heard the music playing. I liked it, scratch that, I loved it already. (A/N: It's the song QUARTET NIGHT sang to Nanami in ep. 1, idk the title since it just released when I wrote this) And he began to sing.

It's pure, perfect

I haven't forgotten what's real

The smaller they are the louder they howl

I won't let anyone copy me

With this voice I'll sing out of my love

You dare to sing in the presence of kings?

An endlessly passionate love

Ai pulled me close, our faces nearly touching. "I can't lie to my heart anymore."

An impulse to take everything

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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