Ch. 15

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"Nya!" I said, stretching as I got out of bed. It was 6:30 a.m.
"Senpai?" My kohai called sleepy from her bed.
"6:30?!" I cried, rushing out of bed. "Yabbai!"
I took a 5 second shower, blow dried my hair, brushed my teeth, put on a sleeveless (f/c) blouse, tight white dress pants, and (f/c) flats.
"Senpai?" Haruka called.
"Ittekimasu!" I said, slamming the door behind me.
I rushed down the hall, past the practice room, nearly tripping over the STARISH boys.
"Caught ha!" Ren said, catching me before I fell over.
I forced myself out of his grip. "Arigato gozaimasu." I said, and dashed away again.
"Senpai! __________-senpai! Matte!" I heard Otoya call.
I turned, and he grabbed my wrist. "Come on! The car will leave!"
And i was dragged to the limo.
"Osoi!" Ai cried, hugging me close. "Why were you late?"
"I fell asleep?" I answered, a sheepish grin on my face.
He chuckled. "Hai, hai. Get in the car, both of you."
We filed into the car, to find Camus and Cecil in there.
"Why are you here?" Cecil snapped.
"I've got a recording right after Otoya-kun's recording." I answered.
"I'm performing with Otoya, apparently." Cecil said.
"Eh? An amateur like you?" Ai asked.
"Mataku mo! I agree! But, it was Shining's orders." Camus said.
"Shining?" We cried.

~*~* Le Time Skip~*~*

"Now, everyone's been waiting for it. Give a warm welcome for Mikaze Ai and _________!" The MC cried.
"Ai! ________! We love you!" The audience cried as we walked out, hand in hand, onto the small stage.
"Konnichiwa!" I cried, waving with my freehand.
Ai smiled his fake idol smile. Everyone cheered.
And the talk show started.
Now is your chance to make up your own talk show questions. Make sure to add in your own fantasy 1st date.
We stepped backstage, giggling. "That was fun!" I cried, catching my breath.
"Mmmhhh. I almost forgot how much I liked to be on TV." Ai answered.
Then, he held out a schedule. "What's that?" I asked, peeking over his shoulder.
"Our schedule you would've known about if you were early. Shining said that these places were filled with fans. We could be nominated for the UtaPri award if we catch many fans."
I nodded. "Where do we head to first?"
He looked down at the schedule, "A park."
I smiled. "I could use the exercise."

"Ara, Ai-kun!" I cried. "Mitte mitte! A haunted house tomorrow!"
He looked toward the child drawn poster. "A haunted house? Maji desu ka, ________?"
"On-e-ga-i!!!" I pleaded. "ONEGAI!"
He sighed. "Hai, hai. We'll go tomorrow."
I smiled, and kissed him on the cheek. I heard the click of a camera, and squeals. Oh, they got that.

"Senpai!" My kohai called as I walked into our room. "Mitte!"
She waved a magazine with STARISH on the front cover and QUARTET NIGHT on the back. "Hijirikawa-san is on page four, Syo-kun is on page seven. And guess who takes up pages one through three and pages five to six!"
I laughed nervously. "HEAVENS?" I guessed.
"Iie, Senpai! QUARTET NIGHT. You and Ai-Senpai! I didn't know you two were dating!"
I laughed again. "Yeah!"
"Isn't that against the rules?"
"Shining made an exception for us."
She as quiet. "Ano, senpai?" Haruka asked again.
"Nani?" I asked.
"Tomorrow-" she started.
"Gomen, I'm going somewhere with Ai-kun tomorrow." I said.
She looked crestfallen. "Ara, never mind then."
I shrugged. "Can't help it. If we get enough fans going crazy over us, then, we could get nominated for the UtaPri award."
She looked a bit guard at that. "Demo, STARISH no minna-san-"
I cut her off again. "Kohai. QUARTET NIGHT is just as popular as STARISH right now. We're pros, you guys were just discovered. Where are those new songs you're suppose to be writing? Where are the lyrics? The arrangement? We both started writing at the same time this year. I have written four songs for QUARTET NIGHT and seven for myself. I have two groups to work for. Don't you think it would be rewarding for us to win the Award?"
My kohai was quiet. Good. She needs to learn her place, and so do those STARISH boys.

~*~*The next day~*~*

"Just around this corner, I think." I said, looking down at the map. The street was quiet, which was pretty unusual.
I looked up, the sign said walk, so I started to cross, I felt Ai's warmth behind me. Knowing that he would watch out for me, I looked back at the map.
BEEP! BEEP! Beep! I looked up, and froze. An ambulance was heading right toward us.
"__________!" Ai cried, pulling me backward, making me stumble into his chest.
I stood still, still shocked.
"Baka ka, omae?! You could've died." He whispered into my ear.
"G-gomen." I said once I could speak again.
He turned me around, and held onto my shoulders. "Hai, now we can go."

At the school, I saw kids running around, a bunch of fans, and
"Ai-Senpai, _______-Senpai?" I heard Haruka's voice call.
My eyes wandered to the group of STARISH Bears. "Eh?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!" I cried.

It's your turn: make up your own haunted house date, games, and what you bought.
~*~*Time skip~*~*

That night we walked home in silence.
"Sou da! I cried, looking at Ai. "Today was Halloween, wasn't it?"
He nodded. "I forgot."
I nodded, "Me, too."
I put on the pair of cat ears I bought him. "Happy Halloween, Atashi no Ai-neko."
"Nya." He said with a small blush and smile.

Kinda got lazy. Happy early Halloween!

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