Gilbert's Plan

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HEY! So I got more of a response on this fic than I thought I was going to get SO THANK YOU SO MUCH <3
I hope you like this chapter even though it's more PruCan. Throughout the story each of the minor ships will get like 1 or 2 chapters that are centered around them, mostly just to move to story along, as a filler, to inspire the trio, etc.

So it was back to square one for the tsundere capturing trio. It was still lunch, and they decided to meet in the sports room hallway for a quick progress report. Antonio sighed with a smile, holding his bruised cheek, "Well... in all honesty who actually thought that pick up lines would work?"

"Alfred. Put your hand down."

"Dude! But I seriously thought I had something. I mean cmon. Did they not at least blush or do any other crappy thing they describe in twilight?" Alfred crossed his arms in defense, cause red cheeks were better than nothing. Even if it resulted in them getting injured. The other two teenagers stared at him for a moment, pondering... he did have a point.

"Well, why don't we create a point system. Everytime we try something new we get points depending on the reaction. We can add them up later and rank the different strategies like that!" The spaniard dug around in his bad for something, "And we can each keep a notebook."

"You have me to thank for this awesome idea." The glasses wearing teen puffed out his chest. Mathias snorted and stuffed one of the various sandwiches that were on Alfred's plate into his mouth. That should shut him up for a while.

"How do you think we should organize the points?" Antonio bit the end of his pencil, "Blush should be 1... stuttering should be 2... any physical contact other than hitting should be 5. Sound good?"

"Yea we can just add stuff as we go on," Alfred waved a hand at the other boy, "Ok so what's our new plan. Operation, mission impossible, covert affairs, person of interest, CSI: Miami."

"Now you're just listing TV shows with crappy names." Mathias pounded his fist on his chest to keep food from going down the wrong pipe.

"Yo! People not as awesome as me! Come and talk, I will allow it," Gilbert strode up to their group, "What's up!"

Gilbert, in all of his silver haired awesomeness, slung an arm around Antonio and leaned on him, almost causing both of them to fall over. The three other boys looked curiously at him only to be met with a mischievous glint. Well... That probably wasn't good. Whenever he gets that look in his eyes they end up in big trouble. I mean... There's gotta be a limit to the number of times you can get out of jail, ahem, holding with just a warning. All three boys were a little reluctant to talk, sure those adventures were pretty fucking awesome...

"What do you have planned now?" Antonio removed Gilbert's arm from his shoulders, turning to face him instead. Gilbert just laughed.

"Ah! I'm glad you asked! The awesome me has a project that I need help with." Gilbert started digging in his pockets for something, making an elated sound when he found what he was looking for. He pulled out a sheet of paper and unfolded it.

"Lyrics?" Mathias squinted at the scrawly handwriting curiously. They seemed to be lyrics to a song that he swears he has heard before. It was kind of hard to tell the exact words though, considering how awful Gilbert's penmanship was. Not to mention there were various stains and creases from folding it to many times. Gilbert looked rather proud of his work though, practically beaming.

"Yup my friend. These are lyrics to woo the love of my life," Gilbert gave them all a smug look, "And I need you guys to help me."

Alfred gave him a lopsided glare, "Ok. One, dude it's so not cool of you to ask me to help you make a plan to get my brother to let you bang him. And two, we kinda have problems of our own. Ya know, with all the lovey stuff."

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