pumpkin and sunshine, darlin'

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HEYYYYY IM BACKKKKKKK. I hope you like this one! If you do leave a review if you want, I love feed back from you guys. But of course you don't have to. Anyways, this chapter I'd call as more of a filler. There's obviously shippy stuff in it, just nothing that moves the plot forward toooooo much. so yea. But i hope you like it anyways!

Feliks was a surprisingly strict director, considering he came up with his play while drunk. He was getting stressed out, trying to work out most of the kinks with the script while organizing everyone into groups. Alfred felt like banging his head on the wall repeatedly after he and Matthias were forced to say the same five lines over and over.

"Dude. I am so bored. Can we just stop." The blond kicked his friend who was sitting on the edge of the stage. Everyone was scattered about the auditorium, running through the first scene that they were in.

Matthias looked up at his friend, sighing, "C'mon. One more time before Feliks gives himself a heart attack. I don't think I have enough saved up to run away to Mexico if they accuse us."

Alfred rolled his eyes and helped his friend stand up before reciting his lines, "Hey! Did you hear that they found all of the new royals?"

"Yea. All of them except the king. You should have heard the people down at the pub. I was wiping up the tables and one of them turned to me and said," Matthias raised his hands and started moving them in a drunken motion, "Did ya hear about the new queen? Can't wait to have my go at the crown."

Alfred grit his teeth a bit, not too pleased with the Matthias' lines, "Oh yea, they normally hold a ball to find the king right? I hope that Queen has protection from all those drunk men. I heard that she's quite the looker.

"Hey. They're good spirits but yea, I bet security will be on high alert." Matthias pretended to kick a ball over.

"Do you think she's nice?" Alfred pretended to look up in thought, in reality he was just trying to not kill someone by distracting himself with the multicolored lights, "I hope that she'll lead us better than the last one. The war just ended and I don't think we can take another one for a good while."

"I'm sure that we will have our period of peace." Matthias plopped back down on the edge, Alfred quickly following his lead. The two blondes looked at each other before laughing.

It was only four thirty but it felt like it was seven. Feliks was lucky that the school had a policy about the winter and spring plays. Lead actors and actresses could not receive more than half an hour worth of homework. Hetalia high prided itself on, amongst other things, its theater program. It was one of the many things that the elite private school offered to help its students find a career path that suited them.

Matthias came up with their next plan after taking to Berwald that weekend. After excessively ringing the taller blondes doorbell he waltzed right in the front door and made himself at home on his couch. Berwald also had a dorm back at the high school, but he lived close enough to the school that he preferred to stay at his house. It was like Matthew and Alfred, they lived close enough to not need a dorm room, but Alfred liked to stay on campus.


"Berwald. What do I do?" He whined, turning on the TV. His friend glared at him, slightly annoyed. He had a right to be angry though, Matthias had come over at two am from god knows where. Why did Berwald even open the front door?

"Ber, what the heck is with all the noise?" A rumpled figure walked into the room, stretching out a yawn.

Matthias didn't even look away from the TV, only letting out another groan, "Hey Tino, sleeping over again? God, how come you guys never invite me? I've invited you to my scandinavian movie nights."

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