Confessions of the heart

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"Well guys," Alfred bit on the end of his pen, "I think the book is almost done!"

Matthias peered at his computer screen, looking at about only twenty pages of notes, "well, we definitely have enough data but... how do we turn all of that into a hundred and fifty page novel?"

"Um... We embellish?" Alfred shrugged, "There are three of us, maybe we can write down what happened after each scenario."

Matthias laughed, snapping his fingers, "That's a good idea, we have more than enough to write about."

"Wait," Antonio piped up, "But, shouldn't it go out with... a... what's that thing you say Al?"

"Going out with a bang?"

"Yeah! That! Shouldn't the book end with, you know... actually getting our objects of affection?"

Alfred's nose scrunched up, thinking about how much time they've spent doing dating like things with their... crushes? Ugh, was there another way to put that that didn't make it seem like they were twelve and writing on bathroom stalls? "We've been practically dating them for a awhile now."

"Yeah," Matthias clicked his tongue, "But Toni is right. Nothing's ever been official. We need one last thing."

The three boys sat in silence for a moment, each of them trying to come up with an idea that would be the icing on the cake of this horribly amazing project.

"How about..." Alfred turns the computer towards him, tapping out a few words with his deft fingers, "how about this."

Confession of the truth

"Ah... what do you mean by that?" Antonios eyebrows furrowed together.

Alfred shook his head, "Oh Toni. I mean let's just come right out and say it. You know the whole, 'I like you, do you wanna be my boyfriend?' Thing."

Matthias offered a small smile, standing up straight, "I think that's an extremely simple and nice way to end things."

"Great," Alfred started to type under the first thing they ever wrote, "We better get typing so we can just knock this off our plates."

Matthias squinted at the words appearing on the screen, "ah yes. The pick up lines thing... if my sore legs remember correctly that did not go well."

Alfred shrugged and just continued to type, "Third person okay with you guys?"

Alfred F. Jones practically had to drag his lazy ass to class that morning. AP english was not something he was looking forward to.

It had taken them almost a month of staying up until five am typing and waking up at seven just to do more of the same. But they did it. Managed it. Just barely.

They had their whole story typed out, and between the three of them it only took going through hell and back!

It was a lot longer than they had anticipated. It was the size of a very decent novel. Quality of a decent novel though? Not so much... good enough for an A on the project? Debatable. At this point they're level of caring was at "YOLO fuck it lol XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD"

Now it was nearing the second week in February and they had yet to do anything about their grand finally. They became extremely accustomed to staying up and only getting about two hours of sleep that when they finally finished, they dropped. It took two days of sleeping for twelve hours just to feel rightish again. Ha, and those loser scientists said you couldn't catch up on sleep.

But now came the hard part. The part that was probably tougher than the grueling writing.

Despite everything they had already done, every horribly complex and embarrassing plan, this confession had to be the most nerve racking thing poor Antonio had ever faced.

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