Words, strings, and colors

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HI GUYS! I hope you like this one!

Perhaps it was the fact that they had a little less than three weeks to practice before they were off for Thanksgiving break and only about a week after that before the play, but Feliks was going crazy. The practice time for the play had been extended from three hours to four hours and Feliks made sure that they ran through the entire thing at least once every practice, so it sometimes dragged on longer. It definitely helped, they all hated to admit it though.

Of course there were scenes that were still a bit shaky, that was a given considering it was romantic-adventure play. People were still hesitant at some points, but they were all slowly getting to it, Feliks pushing everyone really hard. Antonio thought he was going to lose his voice after the fifteenth time he had to say his twenty line proposal monologue.

Some scenes had to be rehearsed more than five times a day, like the ballroom scene. Almost the entire cast was in that scene so it was hard to coordinate everything, especially since they had to switch focus from one pair talking to the next constantly. Honestly the hardest part about it was probably working the spot lights, poor Eduard not being able to keep up with the constant shifting.

The dance scene reminded Arthur very much of the party scene from Romeo and Juliet. It made him kind of happy to be able to see the similarities, even if they were small. The ballroom scene mostly focused on the relationship between the ten of spades and three of spades, which the brit was thankful for. He didn't feel like acting out an intense dancing scene, he felt bad for the two involved. Feliks said that scene had to be perfect because "it's like, totally the most important scene. Without it, like, nothing would ever happen". It didn't stop him from making fun of his roommate though.

Lovino snapped at Antonio when he would say a line perfectly, which was almost every time. Damn that guy for acting so cool! The italian was a jealous bundle of nerves, not that he let anyone see that. It wasn't that he was scared of being on stage, no screw stage fright, he just couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat at some of the more touching lines. Feliks kept yelling at him not to scowl on stage but he couldn't help it. If he didn't scowl he might accidentally let out some of his real emotions, the polish boy should know that. C'mon Feliks, like, get with the program.

Needless to say, the week following the great Beilschmidt bash was not very productive in terms of winning over anybody. The weekend was nearing though, and Feliks only had them practice in the afternoon on those days, thank god. Alfred thought he was going to collapse, acting was not as easy as T.V. made it out to be. He sat with his back to the wall after attacking the water fountain.

"We need to think of something," Matthias slid down the wall on one side of the blond and waited as Antonio did the same, "Lukas has barely talked to me since last week. Besides all this acting."

"Sí, I don't think I can say that monologue again. But Lovi keeps stumbling on it," Antonio thumped his head back against the wall, "I will never be truer to thee. My one and only soulmate."

"I thought you weren't going to say it again," Matthias wearily laughed. Alfred on the other hand shot up immediately, startling both of his friends. He looked at the dane, the stars in his eyes lit with an idea.

"You and Berwald are on set duty right?"

Matthias nodded. He and the extremely tall male were both fairly skilled in crafting. Maybe it was the whole denmark sweden lego Ikea thing, or maybe it was that they were both just naturally talented mother fuckers. Who knew.

Berwald was the only one in the entire school that could put something from Ikea together in one go. It was a damn conspiracy, it was pure black magic. Ikea furniture was some complicated crap that he was pretty sure only swedish people knew how to make. It was a plot to take over the world slowly with the struggle of having nowhere to sit, or sleep, or do anything. It was a devious plot, people will eventually be begging the citizens of the nation to help and show them the way to properly construct a forty piece night stand.

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