Picture perfect

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Feliks decides its time to take some pictures.

Feliks was absolutely chipper that morning, which scared everyone. Normally the polish boy would mope around complain about not getting enough beauty sleep. Break was almost over too, only two days left... So there was no reason for the male to be so ecstatic.

So he was definitely planning something. But what was the bigger question was what exactly was he up to? Alfred yawned and barely noticed when the other blond merrily skipped his way into the kitchen. He was too tired from waiting for Arthur to wake up and carrying him back to bed from the beach after he fell asleep again at around four thirty am. Matthias had his head down on the counter, snoring lightly as Antonio tiredly poked at the dane's cheek with a bored expression.

"Good morning!" Feliks cheered, "Isn't it like, such an awesome day?"

Alfred gave him a half hearted scowl, "Why, oh why is it such a great day? Enlighten us, please."

"Well someone's acting totally out of character this morning," Feliks knit his eyebrows together, rummaging through the cabinets, "What are all of you doing up this early anyways?"

It was only 8 o'clock in the morning. The sun had been up for a few hours already, it wasn't exactly early. Well, it was for teenage boys they supposed, but sleep had always fluctuated for all of them. Most of the people who were staying in Feliks' house were already up, save Lukas who was fast asleep on Toris' couch in the basement. Feliks had risen that morning, ready for the day. He had been preparing a special treat, if you could call it that, for his friends. The boy was jittery all morning, waking up at a ridiculously early hour along with his reluctant best friend.

Feliks knocked on everyone's door at seven am sharp, because that's the earliest Toris would let him. No one was happy so to say, and most of them were even more upset once Feliks told them what they would all be doing that day. After thoroughly making sure everyone knew the plan and Toris assured him that they would all get ready, Feliks happily bounded towards the other house.

Alfred rolled his eyes, "shouldn't I be the one saying that to you? What brings you over at this fine hour?"

"Were, like, going on an adventure!" Feliks started walking towards the foyer, his voice echoing into the kitchen, "Get everyone up, and like, get changed into these."

Feliks handed them each a hanger with a cover over the clothing that hung. Matthias eyed the plastic bag, "What is this?"

Feliks' smile widened as he also picked up a camera bag, "We're having a totally awesome photoshoot!"


Lovino felt absolutely stranded. Feliks happily disturbed them that morning with their newly made play costumes and threats to get them out of bed. The boy had been keeping them in a secret compartment in the van for the majority of the trip, waiting for the perfect weather to take his masterpieces. Francis and his team had just finished sewing and putting together everything a day before they were supposed to leave which had sparked the idea in Feliks head. He said something about more play buisness before pushing everyone into rooms to get their eater elaborate outfits on. Lovino groaned for the thousandth time, adjusting himself in the back seat of the car, "You have to much damn clothes on Kirkland." The grumpy italy pushed the excess blue coat fabric off of his leg.

"Be happy Feliks didn't put us in something ridiculous like a dress," Arthur mumbled. They were expecting the male to want extravagant outfits with tons of ruffles or layers. Maybe even put one of them into a full on ball gown. While they might have protested the notion of wearing something other than pants, Feliks had no qualms about it. Therefore he would think that the rest of the cast would be fine prancing around the stage with something like that on, "We'd be swimming in tool if that were the case."

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