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Dont even read this. I try to be angsty and deep but like. didnt work

Trash. This is literal trash. I'm going to reread this and edit like everything at a later date.

December had to have been one of Arthur's favorite months. Not only for the cold and crisp weather that made it easy to snuggle under a warm blanket with a piping cup of tea, but also for the wonderful events that came with the cold season.

And yes. Christmas or hanukkah or any of those kinds of holidays were very special and joyful periods of time for many people. But that's not what Arthur was so elated about. It was the events that Hetahigh held during the month that made going to school a bit more bearable. Just a bit.

It was his last year too, he was going to make the best of it. From about the second week in December to Christmas Eve, hetahigh held what they would like to call "the hogwarts inception period". The entire school would shut off its electricity and students would either hand in their phones or leave them in their dorms. Students would have to go to their respected guidance counselors to get their robes and they dusted off their old wands that they either whittled freshmen year or purchased online. The school's staff did a wonderful job of making the already castle like school look like the magical place that could only truly exist on the pages of a book.

Arthur always loved the way the paintings decorated the walls and the halls were only lit by the torches. It created an entirely different atmosphere. The school cafeteria tables were replaced with longer, wooden ones that were only used for three special occasions, the shiny lacquer still intact even after all those years. Classes were reduced to only half a day, starting at seven and ending at eleven. After that they were the "special electives". The science teachers always banded together to create some fun experiments akin to potions and the English teachers dug up old English books to read and analyze. Oh what time it was to be alive! No seriously. It might seem like work but in all honesty it was pretty fun.

The brit of course had to re-read the books before the events began and, as tradition, he would race his room mate. He tried to finish the series first, reading and flipping through pages whenever he had free time.Though it was a real competition when it came down to it. Damn that norwegian and his super reading skills.

Arthur felt happy to get out of bed that morning, the snow that fluttered down and covered the ground in a nice, thin, white powder. He practically skipped down to his guidance counselor's office to redeem his robe for the final time, elated that he'd be able to keep it after this year. A few of the freshmen looked on in fright as their usually grumpy student body president glowed with happiness. The world must have been ending!

He was able to quickly retrieve his things for the following day, one of his favorite day's of all time. The Monday to start off the annual events that Arthur looked forward to each year. Oh what was he going to do next year? Colleges won't be as interesting as this. He supposed that he'd cross that bridge when he got to it.

Snuggled back into his dorm, he read on his bed and waited for Lukas to come back from gathering his things as well. The hot cup of tea on his bedside table was steaming, on a coaster though, he didn't want to leave any marks. But all in all, these winter days alone in his dorm with one of his favorite books and favorite drink, were some of Arthur's favorites.

He flipped the page about twenty more times before his roommate came back, carelessly (well as carelessly as Lukas can be) throwing his robe over his desk chair. Arthur didn't even look up, "I'm five pages away!"

"I finished last night," Lukas smirked at the disbelief on Arthur's face.

Arthur gaped, "but! Just yesterday morning you were only twenty pages in!"

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