Overly cliche lines and Stars

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Hey Guys! Sorry for not updating! The place I went to had no wifi so I had to go to a cafe to just update my other fic that took longer than I thought. BUT THIS IS UPDATING SO YAY! so... Unfortunately i have no clue what has happened to my tumblr so i could not get any requests that I received though that. Im so sorry and Im trying to get it fixed. But I did get some via comments so Im working on those! I actually only got two lol so im making them into extremely long one shots that would normally be broken down into chapters! So keep an eye out for those! THANKS FOR READING! HOPE YOU LIKE THIS!

The sun wasn't even up yet, so why should Matthias be up? He let out a long yawn, six in the morning was not his ideal time to wake up. Who was actually happy at this hour? Cramming people into a car for hours when everyone was annoyed as hell was like asking for trouble. They had to plan the drive accordingly because it was seventeen hours. At least one person would stay awake with the driver and everyone would switch off in approximately five hour intervals. Of course there were a few complications, for example, Lovino and Feliciano were not allowed to drive and no one wanted to go first. When Alfred finished throwing the last suitcase in the back of the van everyone just stared at each other, unsure what to say.

"So like, who is going to drive and stay awake first?" Feliks looked at all of the grumpy and disheveled teens. He let out a puff of air, "I'm going to like, be nice and drive our car but, like, you need someone else to drive the other one."

"I vote Toni. He's the only one that looks happy to be here." Alfred pointed a finger at the only smiling teen. The spaniard tilted his head, shrugging as if to say 'ok'. What a saint.

"And I guess I will stay up with you Feliks," Toris sighed as his friend patted him on the back, "Any takers to stay up with Antonio?"

It was silent for a moment, everyone waiting for someone to step up and say something. When a moment turned into a minute, Feliks let out an irritated groan. He was going to have to force one of them if no one offered. Sensing his frustration, Lukas slowly raised his hand. He'd rather not deal with an upset Feliks this early in the morning, plus, he wanted to get to the beach house as soon as possible.

"Lukas you god sent person. Ok, like, is everyone ready to go?" Relief flooded into the polish boys expression as he clapped his hands together. He started to climb into the driver's seat as soon as he got a resemblance of a response from everyone, leaving them to figure the rest out themselves.

Alfred dragged Kiku into the back seat with him, pushing the small asian against the side window. He motioned for Arthur to follow him into the back of their van, which the brit declined and nudged Elizabeta into the back row. He started to settle into the seat on Lovino's left in the center row when he felt a tapping on his shoulder. The Brit turned around, ready to snap; but he stopped when he saw Kiku's slightly frightened look.

"What is it Kiku?" Arthur asked, his expression softening.

The boy shuffled a little, "Can we switch seats? I get motion sickness."

"O-oh. Of course." Arthur reluctantly sighed and kneeled on the seat he was previously sitting on. The backrow gave him an odd look as he lifted his body over the seat at toppled onto all three of them, spread out like a starfish. His head landed in Kiku's lap and Arthur gave him an awkward smile, "Well that could have went a lot smoother."

"I was thinking of just getting back out of the vehicle," Kiku hid a smile behind his hand and Arthur let out an embarrassed laugh.

"I suppose that would have been a better idea." The blonde sat up and scratched the back of his neck as the japanese boy lightly shook his head. Arthur moved into a sitting position smiled tiredly at Kiku, waiting for him to move out of his seat.

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