Staring at the wall

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Author's note-
Hello there, it's OhMyMusic here, and this is my first author's note I have ever done. Usually I don't do author's notes, but I decided to make an expectiom of this story. Anyway I got the idea of writing 'Midnight Hunts', from my other story 'Sweet Little Magic', and the owl Darlin is going to be really a person who learns she can shape shift in to an owl. So after returning from the Fairy World, Darlin/Cherry(Darlin is her middle name) she learns that the King and Queen adopted another daughter, Fantasy(Felicity), from my other story 'Fantasy'(yes I like linking stories). I was going to write a third book for 'Sweet Little Magic', but I just lost all the inspiration, but I'm still going to keep the first two books just in case my inspiration returns, so I could write the third book(it's not one of my best stories, so don't try reading it, you probably end up bored.) I really like the plot of this story and if I do finish writing this story, then I might try to finish writing 'Fantasy'. Anyway for now have fun reading this story.
Dream class, not my favourite subject. All you do there is dream and enter different realms to learn about different worlds.

I looked at the empty chair that was next to me. There used to sit my friend. But he run away, soon after I dissapeared. There is nothing exciting about this place anymore.

Tick Tock, goes the clock. The time goes slowly and I feel like I'm in a movie and this is the point where everything is in slow motion.

I look to where my adopted sister is sitting, right next to Laura her best friend, also known as the daydreamer. Then there is Alex who is looking at her, sighing to himself as if he was in a fantasy world. Then there is Philip, his friend who is nudging him, so that they could get on the start of the project.

Ms Star stands in front of me.
"Cherry, since your working partner is not here, I thought that it would be best for you to work as a three with someone else." She said

Suddenly everyone's ears perked up and they started calling to Ms Star if 'Cherry could work with us?'. However Ms Star put me in a group with Anastasia and Daniel. Or in other words Fame and Memory. Since we were little, Anastasia used to be my friend. However although I hanged out with her, I didn't count her as my best friend. Sebastian was my only best friend and this will not change.

On the other hand I didn't know Daniel that well. Many had forgot about him, and I was one of those people, making him invisible to the world.

As I sat down next to Daniel and Anastasia, she smiled at me.

"We haven't spoken to each other for a long time." Anastasia said

I just rolled my eyes, as obviously we didn't speak to each other because I haven't been in Magia for a long time.

"Yeah, so which realm are you planning to enter?" I asked bored.

"The Dream Land" said Daniel silently, reminding us of his presence.

At that statement my eyes widened. Dream Land, was a world where no one from Magia was allowed to enter. Only certain Dream Landers were allowed to enter our world. We were only allowed to acctually see Dream Land from our dream journeys, however many people failed to see the Dream Land.

"But that's almost impossible!" I told them.

"Well we have tried and were the first to succeed, even that girl Laura, the dream expert couldn't enter the Dream Land." Anastasia said with a twinkle in her eye.

"All you need to do is focus on the dreams that you just had, find if there were any new things in the dream that you haven't heard of. These are called 'dreamers inventions' and dreamers are the ones who create something in their dreams, which goes to the Dream Land. The 'dreamers inventions' are quite helpful as they help to make dreams." Daniel explained

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