Nature's Queen

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Night time, and I was outside walking. Or 'sleepwalking' as I told Toby. A bench was nearby so I sat down.

"Cherry, what are you doing here at night?" Asked a voice

I turned around and noticed a familiar owl sitting on a tree. Beautiful plant patterns were on the owl's feathers. I started panicking, why was she here?

"Mother Nature? I promise I haven't done anything to upset you!" I said

The owl tilted her head.
"I know that you haven't done anything wrong, but why are you here at night time?" She questioned me

I sighed. "I can't sleep"

"It's that spell that I placed on you isn't it?" She asked me

I looked at her confused
"But I thought that I was meant to act like an owl"

"Yes, but do you not know that owls hunt at night time?" She asked me

"Of course, but I don't feel like hunting mice or little birds. I just feel alive at night"

"Well yes, but I wouldn't want you to just kill animals. After all I'm Mother Nature, just because you might be like an owl doesn't mean you act like one. Anyway I have to go, until next time" She said as she flew of.

I stayed on the bench, suddenly a little mouse ran and jumped on to the bench. I was quite surprised that little animal could jump that high.

The mouse then bitten my hand.

"Hey what was that for?" I asked angry at the mouse.

The mouse looked at me and ran away. I looked at my bitten hand, the mouse I recognised it. Toby's mouse Squeak, or was it Sniff or Seed? I'm sure that mouse hated me.

Although the mark where the mouse had bitten me wasn't that huge it was still going to leave a small or perhaps tiny scar. Perhaps that was the reason why Toby, had one of his hand bandaged, because the mouse kept biting him. That was probably the most evil mouse I ever seen. Or maybe Toby trained him to bite people.

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