Curse or a Gift?

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"I would say you were cursed." Toby answered

"But Felix said that if it was a curse I would think like an owl." I answered.

"Just because he is a shapeshifter doesn't mean that he knows anything about shape shifting" Toby said annoyed.

"You are just angry that you are not a shapeshifter yourself." I told him.

Toby's face became red, and I knew I was right. From what had Sebastian told me, Toby has begged his mother to become a shapeshifter since he was little. It was his dream, but to become a shape shifter you had to be born as one. Some shape shifters found they could shape shift after years. Toby was still hoping that was the case for him.

"I am still sure you are cursed. As one, you take walks at night time, two..."

"Acctually you don't know if I take walks at night time! You have no proof as it only happened once." I defended myself, although I knew it wasn't true.

I did take walks at night, but that was because I couldn't sleep.

Toby just smiled.
"Of course, you know I don't live far from this place. I see you walking here in the park through my window."

"Well how do you know that I am taking night walks, for all you know I could be sleepwalking." I said

"Excuses, excuses and excuses. I know that you can't sleep. It's probably because of that curse." Toby laughed

The mouse started squeaking, and to me it sounded like tiny evil laughter. It was quite scary to think about, as you would never hear a mouse laugh before. I just glared at it.

"Your mouse just laughed at me!" I said annoyed at the mouse.

"What are you talking about, mouse don't laugh." Toby looked at me weirdly, as he was walking away.

But I was sure that the mouse did laugh! Did he not hear it? Perhaps I imagined it. Yes I was probably tired that's all.

However the problem was even though I did feel tired, I didn't feel sleepy at all...

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