Felicity's wall paint

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As soon as I walked in through the window, I noticed Felicity waking up from her sleep.

Again I've mistaken her room for mine. Great! Before Felicity was adopted and before my dissapearence Felicity's room used to be mine. Now one of the guests room has been redecorated so it is suitable for my taste.

Unlike my walls(which are blue with pink butterflies on them), Felicity paints her walls herself. Every year a new picture is added, according to her each picture is one continuation of a story. This year it wasn't just her that was painting that picture, but her friends helped as well. She told me that next year I can help her too, if I wanted to, even if my painting skills aren't the best.

"Cherry, what are you doing here?" Felicity asked me rubbing her eyes.

"Don't worry Fifi, just go back to sleep. This is all a dream." I said really slowly making sure she believed me.

"But it feels so realistic." Felicity yawned, but then she was asleep.

I sighed in relief and got in to my room.

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