The Star Shaped Medallion

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"Did you find any new objects in your dreams?" Anastasia asked me in animal communication class.

Great, I have totally forgot about the quest to Dream Land. But even if I did remember, I wouldn't be able to sleep even if I wanted to.

"It kinda slipped out of my head" I said scratching my head

"Well you need to remember. Otherwise we will enter without you." Daniel answered seriously

Like I even wanted to discover Dream Land. I had better things to do like finding the person that cursed my fan. But I couldn't just tell them that, I would disappoint them, and that's what my younger self used to do. I was quite spoilt and selfish, I never thought about any one else. That's why I only had one friend. From what I remember, even if I was the princess people hated me. Some people still hate me, and I'm sure that the person that hates me the most is Toby.

I mean we never got along in the first place. Well Toby didn't want to get along. It was sort of like Alex and Felicity. I was Alex and Toby was Felicity, except I didn't have a crush on Toby like Alex does on Felicity. I find Toby as a friend, but he thinks we are enemies. I mean I know I plucked those feathers from his mother's owl form, but I apologised and I changed. I'm a different person. I'm not that spoilt selfish person I used to be.

"Cherry don't worry, we won't go without you. Even if it would take a long time." Anastasia smiled bringing me out of my thoughts.

I smiled back. I was making friends, and this time I didn't need Sebastian to help me out.

Everyone took their seats, as Mr Talk came in to class.

Many people that had pets took their pets out. I saw Toby putting his mouse on his desk. Suddenly Felicity stormed in to the classroom a medallion in her hand. It was yellow and star shaped. She apologised to Mr Talk for being late, and sat next to me.

I looked at the medallion.
"But I thought the medallion would take longer time to create." I told her

"Inspiration and Dream helped me. Then came Imagination with the drawing of the medallion. So that left me to make it." She grinned.

"So what are we going to be doing today?" I asked my sister

She smiled then gave me the medallion.

"I want you to help me to make this medallion cursed, so a person turns in to animal after you put it on them. You know your a shifter so you would know." Felicity said

Suddenly I thought about Toby, how he always wanted to be an animal shifter. No I wouldn't curse a person to change in to an animal. I would make the medallion so it would help it make people shift in to the animals of their choice. But I wouldn't tell Felicity of the change.

"Ok I will help you but would you make a copy just in case something goes wrong. I don't want to test this on the original."

She showed me another medallion.
"I already made copies" She grinned

I took the medallion so I could make it at home.

"Oh yeah, Cherry you know since you're only allowed to pair with people that have pets or animal shifters can you shape shift in to an owl." Felicity asked me

I groaned, I haven't shifted in to an owl since I came in to the palace. But I sighed and transformed in to an owl. Or Darlin, as I liked to call myself as an owl.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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