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Felicity glared at Alex, then she looked at me.

"I'm sorry Cherry, but he is probably scaring you. I bet that it's not true. You know what I already got inspired by your fan, and unfortunately by Imagination. I think I might make a medallion which when placed on neck, you become a certain type of animal. And you can't take it of, only someone else can but it must be broken to break the curse." Felicity answered looking at the broom that was broken by Alex.

"That's amazing! But why would someone want to place a cursed medallion on a person?" Alex asked cluelessly

"Oh I don't know, perhaps to get revenge!" Felicity grinned evilly.

Alex did not notice the evil smile, but I defiantly did. I knew that she was going to make a medallion just for him. But although she was capable of making something like that, she wouldn't be that evil to let Alex walk with it forever.

"By the way I was thinking since, you broken my creation, you could be my test subject." Felicity told him with excitement.

"Of course, I would be glad to help" Alex said excitedly. He didn't know what he was signing up for.

I sighed, I looked at the fan. Was the fan really cursed? No like Felicity said, it was just to scare me away.

"So it turns out that your sister didn't want the fan. Isn't that bad luck?" Toby suddenly asked appearing out of nowhere.

"No because it acctually turned out that the fan gave Felicity a brilliant and evil idea." I sighed

Toby looked confused.
"How could she get an evil idea from just a fan?" He asked

"Well Imagination said that the fan was cursed." I simply answered

"Obviously, do you not see the glow?" He asked

"But who would want to curse me?"

"Someone who wants revenge?"

"Do you reckon it was Mother Nature, you know punishment for plucking her feathers out?"

Toby looked at me annoyed.
"I already told you, she already placed the owl curse on you so you behave like an owl. You know the curse placed on animal shifters. She wouldn't curse you twice. Besides I know my own mother."

"But I don't know what the curse even is!" I said

"Well I do. Anyone that will touch the fan will swap traits with another person that touched the fan. But from what I know you still haven't found your trait, therefore no one will know that you are even cursed. As you know the moment you got the other person's trait, everyone would assume that's your trait and your real name. "

I always wanted to find out my real trait, but it just never came. But then I realised something, Toby was the last person to touch the fan after it got cursed, it meant two things. He could be the one to place the curse on me and I swapped traits with him. Maybe it was going to be a good thing, after all I could find my real name.

"Break the curse! I know that you cursed it!" I said

Toby just laughed, "I can't. I didn't curse the fan. I don't even know the ingredients for the green glowing powder. All I will tell you is that when I found the fan, I already found it cursed. Originally I wasn't going to give it to you. But then I thought, why not help with finding Cherry's trait. And guess what I found your trait much quicker than anyone else has done. You just kept it locked away in yourself. Which is quite weird, as your trait doesn't lock people away." He said

"What is it then?" I asked interested

"I can't tell you, you have to find out yourself, after all it's your trait. Also since our traits are swapped, you are courage from now on and you are willing to find out things and put you self in to danger."

"Wow, I bet my trait is something like making long speeches. Or probably 'Boredom'." I joked

"No, but I will help you figure it out, as well as finding the person who placed the curse on your fan."

"Thanks Toby, you're a true friend." I answered hugging him.

"No we are not friends, we are frenemies. Just remember the difference." He said walking away

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