Night walks

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Entering Dream Land, was a long time project. So it was going take a long time to enter it. First you had to plan things out and think what object you would be looking for, in the dream world. The object would be the key to the world. Since the three of us were going to enter the world at the same time, all three of us had to have a dream on an object that never appeared in our dreams before. We didn't have to dream about the same object or at the same time, we just had to know what object we would be looking for.

And this was going to be hard for me, as it takes a long time for me to fall asleep at night time. I usually have to force myself.

"Hi Cherry" Felicity, or Fifi as I call her, said to me as we were back at home.

"Hi" I said still thinking about the Dream Land project.

"So what world have you decided to enter? Laura and I thought of entering the fairy world. According to her its really interesting." She said

Yes, her friend was right the fairy world was very interesting. I would know that as I lived there for a long time.

"I was thinking if you could help me learn about the fairy world. Since you know you have been there, not just as your dream self but you know as your real self." She asked me

"Sure what do you need help with?" I asked, however I didn't get an answer as the bell rang and Felicity ran to open the door.

There stood her two friends, Laura and Max. I looked how happy my sister was with her friends. I sighed knowing that my best friend wasn't here.

I decided to leave the castle to get some fresh air. It was night time, and I wouldn't be able to fall asleep that easily. For a strange reason.

I was humming something when suddenly I heard a rustle in the bushes. My head automatically turned toward the direction of the bush, out of it ran a black and white mouse. My eyes kept looking at the mouse. Each step the mouse took, my eyes trailed after it.

Suddenly I heard a call. I panicked and stepped in to the trees so I wouldn't be seen.

As I was standing there I noticed someone. It was Toby or Courage in other words. He wasn't afraid of many things and always loved challenges.

"Come on Seed, we need to go home. You need to watch out for the predators, especially since it's night time." He said scooping the mouse in his hands. As he started petting it I noticed his right hand was bandaged, probably because the mouse had bitten him. I was about to leave when suddenly I stepped on a rock and tripped over.

"Ahh" I called as I was falling down. I quickly realised my mistake and covered my mouth.

In the meantime Toby took his chance to walk in my direction.

"And our nature loving princess is back, but this time with a grand entrance." Toby said sarcastically as he held his hand to help me up.

"Thanks" I said brushing of the dust from my dress.

Toby just rolled his eyes and put the mouse in his shirt pocket.

"I heard you had to spent four years as an owl, as a punishment." Toby said crossing his arms.

I still can't believe this is Courage, he should be more like Mother Nature in disguise, oh right I forgot that Mother Nature can come as a different person, plant or animal.

"It wasn't a punishment, it was a gift. I'm a shapeshifter." I defended myself.

Toby just laughed.
"I can't believe mother would give you a gift to shape shift in to an owl." He said

One last thing that I forgot to mention Toby's mother was 'the Mother Nature' no wonder why he loved animals and nature by itself.

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