The Owl Fan

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Creativity, my favourite class. I was great in creating new things. Sebastian and I usually would look for things that looked interesting. We called it treasure hunting. Although most objects were not really valuable, we didn't care.

Again like in dream class, before I got assigned to work with Anastasia and Daniel, I was sitting alone. Sebastian wasn't here. Well I could work alone, just like Felicity always does. From what I noticed she hates it whenever Alex tries helping her. She must hate him, but on the other hand he doesn't hate her.

I've noticed someone sitting next to me. It was Toby, I smiled at him. He just gave me a glare.

"I'm giving this back." Toby said placing my fan made out of owl feathers. It looked as if it was brand new.

"But I thought that I lost it, you know after the owl accident... Oh I'm so happy, thank you!" I said hugging him

"I don't think you deserve it, after all it was mother's hair. After you just ripped those feathers she had to walk for a few months with some of her hair missing." He said

My face turned red, as after all it was his mother in owl's form. When I came to school the next day with my new fan, the moment I placed it on a table it went missing. 

"I'm sorry, it's just that the pattern of the feathers looked really cool." I said embarrassed

"Whatever." Toby answered rolling his eyes. 

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU?" I heard a familiar voice shout across the classroom, both Toby and I turned around to find Felicity looking angry. A broom was placed on her table, there were wings attached to it, but one of the wings seemed to be hanging of the broom. Alex was next to her looking quite upset and guilty.

"I just thought it would be better if witches used just brooms without adding those extra wings, and I think they would prefered it to be just a plain broom not a colourful decorated one." Alex answered looking down.

I looked at my fan, the fan was an old project which didn't really succeed as children's minds prefered things such as unicorns, vampires and wands, yes all of those were made by us Magia Citizens. Each of those magical creatures or objects travelled to a child's mind and that's when the children started imagining those things, and writing stories.

Maybe if I gave Felicity the owl fan, she would remake it or would get inspired to make something that was similar to it.

"Fantasy!" I called, Felicity in class never responded to her human name. She always called everyone by the name that was supposed to represent what we are. I was the only one who did not get my Magia name. Instead I was given the name Cherry Darlin Rivers. Rivers wasn't my parents last name, they thought it would be a great idea to change my last name. So whilst my adopted sister had their last name, I, the biological daughter of King and Queen of Magia had a different last name.

My parents said that I didn't really show the trait which made me, that's why everyone was confused when they found out that my real name was Cherry. People used to expect my name to be something such as 'Perfection'. I was quite upset for a very long time that I did not have any special trait that would make me, me. So when I found out that Sebastian also didn't have the personality or trait name, I was happy. Well, technically he was a wizard and Magia wizards not really need a trait or personality name. 

At first he thought that I could have been a magician like him, but it turned out that I did not have that type of magic. Which still leaves as a question, who is Cherry Darlin Rivers, really?

"Fantasy, I thought I give you my owl fan. It was an old project of mine, that did not succeed. I am giving this to you so you can re create it or maybe use it as an inspiration." I smiled handing her my fan. Toby on the other hand glared at me, like he was not happy that I was giving my sister my fan.

Why would he want me to have the fan instead of Felicity? After all the fan was made by me and therefore it was originally mine.

Felicity's eyes widened as she looked at the fan.
"Cherry you made this?" She asked me

I just looked at her in confusion, what was so special about it anyway?

"Yes, why?" I asked

"The feathers they are rare. They have plant patterns on them. But that's not just it, look how it's glowing green." She said pointing at the fan that was in my hand.

I did see the feathers, after all I took them out from mother nature's owl self. But the glow was new, it was some sort of magical powder. Neither me or Sebastian had found or added any glowing green powder. We had many different coloured glowing powders, but not green. To make green you had to make it out of certain plants, but only a few people knew the recipie.

"The glowing thing is new, I never seen it before." I answered

Alex, who was trying to fix Felicity's new made broom peered over at my fan.

"It's enchanted. There is a curse placed on the fan. The curse can be broken if the person that placed the curse agrees to break it." Alex answered

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