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The springs of the mattress screech under me as I push myself up from the bed.

It was just a dream, Tris.

I press my hand hard against my chest, and I can feel my heart pounding like it's trying to break free from my body. My stomach is twisted into knots, my fingers are aching, and my skin is drenched in sweat.

Just calm down Tris.

I can feel the ghost of a hand against my skin, and I want nothing more than to tear every layer until I am bare to the bone.

This room is suffocating me.

I need fresh air.

I quietly slide out of bed, trying not to wake up Tobias. I don't bother putting any shoes on, and leave his apartment only in a big T-shirt.

I shut the door behind me, and take a look down the hallway before me. There are only a few blue lights to guide my path, but I find comfort in the emptiness very quickly.

As I walk down the long hallway, my breathing begins to steady. I run my fingers through my hair, trying to focus my attention to a task at hand.

I let a few strands fall from my fingers, watching them float down to the cold stone pressed against the soles of my feet. Taking in my surroundings, I note every detail I can to keep me grounded; the sound of water crashing against rocks, the gentle breeze against my skin, the ridges on the stone wall, the water fountains in front of a few other apartments. I can find peace in the stillness.

I stick out my arm so my fingers graze against the uneven rock wall, and the image of Eric flashes in my mind.

The knot forms back in my stomach, and my throat starts to tighten. I can remember almost every detail of that dream.

It felt so real.

I slowly open my eyes to complete darkness. It's so dark that even when I put my hand right in front of my face, I can't see anything. I listen closely and try to figure out where I am, but I can't hear anything either. It's just silence.
I shiver.

I reach my right arm out and feel nothing, but when I reach out my left I feel something cool and rough. It feels like stone.
A wall.

Keeping my hand on the wall, I slowly stand up, and start walking forward, praying that I don't trip over anything.

Then I hear something behind me, and I stop.
It sounds like footsteps.

I stand like a statue, hoping whatever made the noise can't hear me.

Then I hear it again. More footsteps. This time it's louder, and much quicker. I start to run, still keeping my hand on the wall for a sense of direction.

The footsteps grow louder and I start to hear heavy breathing.
It sounds like a man.

I start to sprint, but so does he, the sounds of our feet echoes loudly.
Then I see it.
A light.

I sprint towards it and see four different corridors greeting me quickly.
I lunge to my right and sprint to the closest one.

I stop to catch my breath.

Who is that, and why are they chasing me?

As quietly as I can, I start walking with my hands resting above my head to open up my lungs.
My side is burning terribly.

You're Mine (MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now