Chapter 36

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We all pile up in the uber Uriah called to take us to the fancy restaurant we are eating at.
We had to actually call two because there wasn't enough room.
Anyway, Christina is sitting in the front, Tris is next to me, and Shauna on her left.
I wrap an arm around her waist.
She looks up at me and smiles.
I grin back.
I honestly can't stop thinking about her.
I'll say it over and over again, but she is just perfect.
That's why, on her birthday, I'm going to ask her something very important.
Her birthday will be about a few weeks after we get back from the beach.
We came up her close to the end of the month.
I'm so nervous, about asking her.
Who knows what she will say.
I shake the thought out of my head.
Save the worrying for later.
Tris plays with the holes in my shirt, her finger nearly touching my skin.
She doesn't stop, because she knows it's arousing me.
She does it the whole way to the restaurant.

I let out a sigh of relief when the uber stops.
We all hop out, and dash inside.
Everyone is starving.
We are greeted by a lady in a skin tight dress.
She looks at me and blushes.
I roll my eyes, and pul Tris close to me.
She makes a sour face.
"How many?" She asks.
"Nine." Says Tris.
She nods, and walks us to a free table, her brown hair flowing behind her.
I look around the restaurant.
I'm getting a lot of stares.
There is a chandelier above every table, and every table is fit for a king.
The floor is a beautiful stone.
We sit down.
I sit next to Tris, with Uriah on my left, and Christina on Tris' right.
There is a menu with hundreds of drinks on them.
"What would you like to drink?" She asks sweetly, eyeing every guy at the table.
"I would like the Kinky Pineapple Margarita." Says Christina.
She looks at Tris.
"I'll have the same please."
"And for you sir?" She asks me, batting her eyelashes.
My god she won't stop.
"Bud light." I say.
"Alright." She says, then looks at Uriah.
"And you handsome?"
"First, all the guys would like bud light, and second, every guy here has a girlfriend, so fuck off."
Her mouth drops.
We laugh.
She gives him the death glare, and looks at Marlene.
"I'll have the Pomegranate Spritzer."
She looks over a Shauna.
"Frost Bite Mocktail." She nods.
"I'll have the same." Says Lynn.
She runs off.
"Great job Uriah." I say, patting him on the back.
"She was giving me that, 'fuck me daddy' look." He says with a shrug.
We laugh again.
We are really getting stared at now.
I don't care at this point.
I rest my hand on Tris' thigh as we wait for our drinks.
I rub my hand up and down.
She squirms a little.
Pay back baby.
I gently run my fingers over the inside of her thigh, getting close, but not quite there.
I finally pull my hand away, and listen back to whatever conversation Zeke is having.
She huffs.
Disappointed eh?
You won't be for long my dear. Trust me.

The girl finally comes back with our drinks.
The girls drinks are mouth watering.
Especially Tris and Christina's.
Blue salt, a lime, and a beautiful blue as the drink.
She sets three bud light bottles in front of each of the guys.
"My treat." She whispers in my ear.
I grab Tris' hand and squeeze.
She whispers the same thing in the rest of the guys ears.
I shake my head.
Desperate slut.
"Now, what to eat?"
Oh shit, I haven't even looked.
"Would you like chefs choice?" She says, annoyed.
We all nod.
"Alright." Then she walks off.
"I hope the chefs choice is good, I didn't even look at what kind of food they have here." Says Lynn.
"I do too." Says Tris.
I lean in and whisper in her ear.
"Impatient?" She looks at me and nods.
"Don't worry baby," I whisper. "It will be worth the wait."

Soon enough the waitress comes back with a few waiters behind her.
"Well, her you go." She hands the plates out randomly.
And walks off.
Everyone got the same thing.
I thought this was a fancy restaurant.
It serves outstanding drinks, has a outstanding scenery, but the food looks like something you would get from McDonald's.
Everyone has a small ceased salad a some fries with a good size steak in the middle with a some leaf on top.
Nobody hesitates.
I dig in to my food, and my mouth explodes with flavor.
Holy shit.
This is way better than McDonald's.
I'm minutes I finish my plate and salad.
I wish I had more.
There is no better way to describe the food but magical.
I take a swig of my beer as everyone else finishes there plate.
"Wow." Says Tris, taking a sip of her margarita.
"That is probably the best food I've had and probably will have in my entire life."

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