Chapter 14

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Hey guys! Im back! Again! I just want to say if any of you want to talk to me or get advice anytime feel free to message me. I talk to my fans all the time and become really good friends with them. Anyway, I thought I would just let you guys know!
Let's continue....


I wake up to a trail of kisses again on my neck.
I sigh. I turn my body around to face Tris, I kiss her forehead.
"Morning beautiful." I say.
"Morning handsome." She replies.
"We better hurry and get ready if we want to make it to breakfast." I say.
She nods and says, "Well if we want to get done faster, we might as well get in the shower together."
I smirk.
I stand up and pick her up bridal style and carry her to the bathroom.
We both get undressed and head to the shower, rinsing off quickly.
I get out first, wrapping a towel around my waist, beads of water still dripping from my back and hair.
I look at Tris to find her staring at me, and she blushes.
She told me she loves it when I look like this.
"Do I look sexy Tris?" I say in a deep, British accent.
She laughs and nods saying in the same accent, "You have always been sexy to me, my love."
We both laugh as she gets out of the shower, drying herself off.
I watch her as well.
Oh my god. I can't wait until we are together for ever.
Grow old together. Have kids together.
I she will stay with me at that moment when I ask.
But that's a long time away.
I'm still planning the perfect spot.
I walk over to her and pick her up, carrying her to the bedroom to get dressed.
She puts on her workout outfit she wore when we went running.
"Damn Tris you're so hot. Ashley will be jealous for sure."
She puts on her Four sweatshirt.
"Awe you are so sweet."
I put on a black shirt and combat pants and boots.
I also put on my Tris sweatshirt.
"Let's get some breakfast." I say. She nods and hand in hand, we walk to the cafeteria.
We sit with our friends at our usual table.
They all greet us. I see Shauna sitting next to Zeke.
She must have finally got better.
"Hey guys!" I say. "Hey Shauna, I'm glad to see you're doing alright."
"Thanks Four." She says.
I nod and sit down next to Uriah and Tris.
Tris sits down next to Christina.
"Oh my god Tris I love the shorts." She says.
"Thanks." She says, then she leans in and whispers, even though I can still hear her "Tobias loves them. That's one reason why I got them."
They both laugh and I roll my eyes, grabbing some toast from the middle of the table.
After a few minutes of talking to Christina so does Tris.
"So! Are you guys ready to get to training?" Says Uriah.
I roll my eyes and so does Tris.
She says Sarcastically "I'm so excited."
Then I realize something.
"Shit we didn't wake up the transfers." I say, hitting my forehead.
"It's okay bro. Me and Zeke woke them up, we wanted to scare the fuck out of them first." Says Uriah.
"Yeah. We got some air horns and blew them in there faces. All of them screamed. It was hilarious." Says Zeke.
We all die of laughter.
After we all finish eating Tris and I round up the transfers and lead them to the training room.
Once we reach it we stop and turn around, facing the transfers.
"Alright. First stage of training, physical. We will show you how to fight, how to use a gun. " I say.
"And, we forgot to tell you," says Tris, "that if you don't make it above the red line you see on that board over there," she points at the ranking board, "you will be cut."
"Cut?" Asks Riley nervously.
"Yes. If you are under the red line at the wand on any stage, which there will be three, you will leave Dauntless."
"And go where will we go?"
Well there's no going back to your families, unfortunately, you will be factionless." Tris finishes.
Everyone gasps, but doesn't say another word.
"Let's start training." I say.
"Now first, Six  and I are going to show you how to fight by demonstrating for you. And you all better pay attention, because we won't do it again." I say.
"After we fight you are going to practice some of the moves we demonstrated on those punching bags behind you." Says Tris.
"So wait, You and Six are going to fight? How is that fare? Everyone knows guys are better at combat than girls." Says Riley.
Tris and I look at each other and die of laughter.
After a minute or so we calm done a bit.
"You have so much to learn." Says Tris.
"Age, height, weight, or gender doesn't matter here. You are Dauntless now, so you better start acting like one." I say.
"Any girl can beat a guy Riley." Says Tris.
"I can't tell you how many times I've won fights against boys. Even at gun point. And, a matter of fact, I beat Four here too at hand to hand combat." Says Tris again.
I nod.
Everyone forms a shocked look on their face after Tris said that.
She rolls her eyes and nods at me.
We take our sweatshirts off and throw them to the side. All the boys stare at Tris, mouths wide open.
I shake the feeling off and I join her in the fighting area.
We get in our positions, arms at the ready, and circle each other.
"Remember what I said this morning Four. Don't go easy on me." Says Tris.
"I never have Six." I reply.

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