Chapter 4

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"I can't wait any longer."

I slowly start to unravel my towel, but hesitate; I should tease him.

I feel a little pang of guilt because I know he's been waiting patiently, but the curiosity in me overpowers it.
I want to make him wait, and I want to study his reaction.

I kiss him softly, "Tobias, we should do this another time. Its almost 4:00am and we have work tomorrow." 

He groans loudly and flops backwards onto the bed, his hands sprawled around his head. That reaction doesn't surprise me, but I wonder what he'll say to me next.

"I guess you're right Tris," he says softly, the sound of my name making the hairs on my neck stand up.

He turns his head so his eyes are deeply searching mine, "but you better change quickly before I rip that towel off of you myself." His tone is almost a growl, yet not aggressive. Heat rushes to my face, "because I will make you regret making me wait."

I want to melt through the floor.

I quickly hurry into the bathroom and lock the door, desire bubbling inside me as I run my hands down my face.
Well that backfired.

I take off the lingerie and fold it nicely into the shopping bag. I search around the bathroom for clothes to change into, then I freeze.
Shit. Of course I forgot to grab some clothes on the way.

I peak my head through the small crack I made with the door, careful not to make any noise. My eyes trace Tobias' body, searching for any moment.

His breathing is steady, and his eyes seem closed. Maybe he fell asleep since it's so late? At least, that's what I pray is happening.


I hear Tris slowly open the door to the bathroom, but I keep my eyes closed. She seemed surprised that I played her little game against her.

I don't hear any moment for about a minute, then the sound of gentle footsteps pressing against the floor fill my ears.

I open my eyes, and Tris stands in front of her dresser, her bare skin glowing in the dim light of the room. She must of forgot her clothes before she ran in there.

I take a deep breath in as I take in every inch of her. Many people might not think she is attractive, but I find every once of her so beautiful. Her long, blonde hair lays in gentle waves down her back, her figure is almost hourglass but can only be noticed when she is bare. She may see herself as small and childlike, but her facial features and poise of divergence tells me otherwise. She wears it like a silk cloak wrapped around her body, and the more I learn about her, the more in awe I become.

I watch her fingers wrap around the fabric of a black T-shirt, and her body starts to shift in my direction. I didn't even realize that I had sat myself up until I  couldn't settle myself back down fast enough.

"Oh my god Tobias!" She says with a jump. "I thought you were asleep! You scared me." She turns back around so her back is to me, covering her face with her hands.
I chuckle, and in one swift move I get off the bed. I walk over to her and wrap my hands around her waist, my lips resting against her neck. She leans her head back against my chest and sighs.

"I didn't mean to startle you, but I was so infatuated by you I forgot I was supposed to be fake sleeping." My lips brush so gently across her skin, the sensation making me want to turn her around and close the space between us.

"And why would you be fake sleeping Tobias?"
I love hearing such playfulness in her voice. "I have no idea, but now I'm glad I stopped."

She shakes her head and turns around to face me. "I know you don't see the beauty I do, but I plan on helping you learn to see it overtime." I grab her chin and pull her close so my lips rest on her forehead.

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