Chapter Thirty Two

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One Week Later . . .

"Are you ready to go?" I asked.

"Wait, I'm missing my—"

"Cell phone?"

"What about my—"


"No, my—"

"House keys?"

"Okay, that's starting to get—"

"Very creepy."

I laughed. All the items I listed, I had already collected them for her because those were typically the items she forgets to pack whenever we'd go on road trips. She'd miraculously remember that she'd forgotten them and would try to convince me to turn around to get them. This time I wanted everything to be perfect. It had been a long while since I saw my family aside from the infrequent phone calls here and there, I was finally going to see them. When everything was accounted for, I started my Jeep. "Are you comfortable back there?"

Emily kicked up her feet. She didn't like sitting in the front seat for long periods of time so she lounged in the back. "Let's get this show on the road."

"Here we go."

Today was the day I visit my sister in South Carolina. It wasn't a long drive at all from North Carolina, but it was long enough to be considered a road trip. Emily wasn't a big fan of driving, she did it just so she didn't have to walk long distances, so she volunteered to stay in the back and relax while I had to be the one to drive. I bought her snacks and drinks beforehand so we wouldn't have to stop anywhere, just for the bathroom.

"Hey, you never told me what happened between you and Ellis." Emily said.

In that moment, I was glad she'd chosen to lay in the back. Ellis was a sensitive topic nowadays. I hadn't seen him since he was at Adam's house. Who knows what he could be doing now. He'd made good on his word and hasn't contacted me at all. He's giving me space, that was a good step.

"We're separated, he said he'd give me space." I told her to summarize the agonizing conversation I had with Ellis.

I felt all kinds of wrong when I went back home. The condo was too quiet, Emily was at work, and I started to miss my husband, but I knew space was what we needed to get through this. If we were going to get through this. I couldn't think of a divorce right now, but it was an option. I just hadn't made a solid decision yet.

"I'm sorry, Mel. I know this isn't the marriage you signed up for." She said.

I shrugged.

"How're things with Jon?"

I shrugged again then sighed. "I don't know. He called me the other night and I didn't answer. I don't know what I'm doing right now. I need some time." It's been six days, he'd probably given up on me.

"Will you talk to him?"

"Yes, but not right now."

"So, you're single and ready to mingle?"

Her question made me laugh. "Kind of, I don't know. I've never really dated."

"Do you want to?"

"What's with all the questions?"

"Well," Suddenly, Emily started climbing over the seats to sit in the front. When she was settled, she turned to me. Being a responsible driver, I kept my eyes on the road. She was up to something. "I've been talking to this guy."

"I'm happy for you, but why do I have a feeling that you're about to involve me in something." At most, Emily made me accompany her on a date, but I had to wait in the car for her just in case he was creep because she'd found him on some dating website.

"It's Scott Fletcher."

I almost hit the brakes just so I could look at her face to make sure she was telling the truth. "Matthew Fletcher's brother?"

"The one and only."

"I thought we stopped talking to them when they transferred colleges?" Scott and Matthew were one of the many friends Emily made in college and Matthew happened to have a crush on me. At the time I was dating Ellis and all of us lived on campus so that was conflict I avoided at all costs. I finally built up the courage to tell Matthew that him and I wouldn't work because I was seeing someone.

"You stopped talking to them. I didn't."

"You're going on a date with Scott?" Scott was Matthew's older brother.


"And you want me to go?" I assumed.

"No, well, yes." She took a deep breath. "But it will be a double date."

I risked a glance at her. "No."

"Mel, you didn't even let me tell you who it's with."

"You don't have to. I'm not going on a date with Matthew!" I couldn't. By now I'm sure everyone knew I was married and dating would be complicated because of my status. I wasn't even married for six months, people would ask questions.

"You don't have to do anything, but sit there and talk to him. Or not. We're going to a movie." She said.

"Oh, that makes me feel so much better."

"Mel, please. Just think of it as a little reunion between two friends. If it helps, Matthew knows you're married and he still wanted to catch up with you. After the movie we're going to get some ice cream and after that you can totally go home. I can catch a ride with Scott."

"So you'll be comfortable with being alone with him?"

"Yes, I mean, unless you want to be around for what'll happen next . . ." She bit her lip to hide the laughter.

"Emily, don't tell me."

"I want to have sex with him."


"What? It's been months and Scott is a good guy."

"Okay, but I didn't want to know." Meanwhile, I drove off the exits and took the necessary turns to get to my sister's house. We weren't far now. "Fine, I'll go, but only because I haven't seen Matthew in a while."

"Yes! Thank you!" She tried to hug me but the best I could do was give her a side hug. She kissed my cheek. "You're the best."


She chuckled. "So, what're we doing this weekend? I told Scott we'd be available Saturday night."

"Lila wants to eat out after Alice gets out of school and Vincent gets off of work. Then I was thinking all of us could sit in the living room and watch movies all night." I told her.

"Does your sister know about you and Ellis?"

"No." I wasn't sure I wanted to tell the truth to my family who had this perfect image of Ellis in their minds. If they found out then there'd be a lot of angry phone calls made to Ellis and we were doing good so far with keeping our distance. "They can't know right now."

Emily nodded. "Okay, but if they ask . . ."

"It's girls' weekend,"

"Ooh, I like it."

We were closing in on my sister's house. She lived in a peaceful neighborhood. Everyone talked to each other and her neighbors waved at us as we passed them. There was always someone outside doing something from gardening, walking the dog, or mowing the lawn. I found her house in the cut-de-sac, but instead of finding only her blue Civic in the driveway, I got more than a bargained for. There was a silver Camry parked next to her Civic and my heart stopped. This is exactly what I didn't need this weekend. Three bodies emerged from the house ready to greet us when we pulled up and it only confirmed my suspicion.

"Mel, your parents are here."

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