Chapter Forty One

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I wanted to touch him, to reassure him that I wasn't ignoring him these past couple of days, and now, I was ready. Forgetting that I was on the clock, I took the liberty of taking a seat right across from him. He hadn't spoken to me since I said his name, he gave me a look I couldn't read almost like he couldn't believe I was actually here or he didn't want to have anything to do with me.


"I-I," he cleared his throat, "I didn't know you worked here."

"Yeah, it's just something temporary until I figure out what I want to do with my life." I blurted. I could've said something shorter and not look like an idiot, blabbing. I squeezed my hands together under the table.

"I've been calling you."

"I know." Elaborate, Mel, elaborate. "I was busy."

"For a week?"

"No. I just . . ." I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I was at my sister's house over the weekend, but before I was feeling conflicted."

"Conflicted about what?"

"You—us—what we were doing and what it meant."

"We went on a date then we had breakfast, what's so confusing about that?" When he put it that way, I felt silly for ignoring him.

"I like you." I said. My heart began to race and I felt myself begin to sweat with nervousness, but I pushed forward because if I didn't say this now then I would never tell him my feelings. "I want us to work. I'm no longer attached to another man, so why not give us a chance?"


"Please, it was weird for me at first. I've only been with one man in my life, but now . . ." My hands twitched to touch him, I restrained myself. "Now I want to do this right."

He opened his mouth to speak, met my gaze, then closed his mouth. "I'm closing tonight, you should stop by."

"Yes." I said, "I will. I mean, cool."

His lips stretched into a smile. "Cool."

"Melinda, why are you sitting on the job?" The shift manager, Kennedy, glared at me as she emerged from the back with more utensils.

"Sorry, Ken." I quickly rose. "So, can I get you anything?"

Jon checked his wristwatch. "Actually, I have to go, my break is almost over."

"Shit, I'm sorry. I talked too much—"

"No, no, this was a pleasant surprise." He stood from his seat, leaving behind a tall empty glass of ice. "I'll see you tonight."

"Yeah, see you."

We stood for what seemed like forever, awkwardly smiling and wondering what the hell to do next. Then he leaned in and what I thought was going to be a full hug, had only turned into a peck on the cheek.


"Brody!" I hugged the handsome college student when I saw him in Emily's living room. I'd gotten off of work a little over an hour ago and stopped by the store to pick up a few supplies I was missing.

"It's about time I heard from you. How'd the date go the other night?" Brody asked. He looked adorable in his skinny jeans and flannel shirt.

"Oh, it was fine. How are you?" I sat next to him on the couch. The TV was on and he was watching an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, a show Emily liked to watch as well. I heard some noises in the kitchen like running water and the clang of dishes.

I had suspicion that Emily made Brody the two sandwiches and dill pickles on the plate that was balanced on his lap. He was always eating food, but we were running low on groceries. I made a mental note to get more groceries later. "I've got midterms coming up, but I'm back in town visiting family."

"That's good."

"Good, you're back. Did you talk to Jon yet?" Emily asked as she walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of chips in her hands. She said in the single chair and began to munch on them. 

With both of them eating, I started to get hungry. "Actually, I did."

"What happened?"

"Yeah, what happened?" Brody asked between a mouthful of food.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm going to meet him tonight at his job before he closes. I came home to freshen up." I had about an hour before the store closed to get changed.

"What does Jon look like by the way? Is he a dream boat?" Brody asked.

"A wet dream boat," Emily clarified.

I laughed. "I'm going to get ready."


One of my weak chapters because I didn't want to put too much in this chapter and I was kind of struggling to write it. And just so you know, after this chapter things are about to speed up so forgive me if things between Jon and Melinda move fast, I'm also going to do a lot of time jumps.

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