Chapter Forty Nine

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I couldn't sleep.

Neither could Jon.

And we were perfectly content with that as we found other ways to occupy our time. We'd been at it all night, so long that I failed to realize it was morning until the sky became blue. I'd lost track of time and eventually convinced Jon that we needed sleep. We were going to need all the rest we could get before our dinner with Nicole, her husband, and Emily later in the evening. We both didn't wake up until late in the afternoon.

"Tell the sun to go away, come again another day." I groaned in my pillow and rolled over right on to Jon's chest.

He chuckled and pulled me under him, hovering above me with a wide grin plastered on his face. "Did I mention you look beautiful in the morning? Bedhead suits you."

"Shut up." I grabbed a pillow and hit him square in the face with it. "Now, move. I have to take a shower. I smell like sex."

"I'd say that's not a bad smell." He said, bringing his face close to mine so he could kiss me, but I moved my head just in time.

"No, sir. Kissing is what leads to sex and that's what keeps us in bed." I said.

It wasn't entirely true, there were times when we'd get up for food. We ordered pizza and watched a movie, but then there was a sex scene and I think that's exactly why Jon chose the movie in the first place. The pillow cushions were scattered on the floor, the coffee table was pushed back, and an empty pizza box with uneaten pizza crust was littering the floor.

"I'll clean this up. You take your shower." Jon said.

"Okay, thanks."

I hadn't seen Emily since I've been staying with Jon. She and I texted here and there, but she'd mostly been preoccupied with her own drama. She began talking to Scott again and though she didn't go into detail, I knew he'd been trying to contact her since we got back from my sister's house a few weekends ago. She'd been ignoring him and only now has she decided to talk to him again. It seemed to be going well, Emily was in good spirits the last time I saw her so I expected to get more details tonight. Nicole would message me later when she got in the states.

"It looks better in here already." I said when I entered the living room. Jon cleaned fast. He'd been sweeping up the crumbs when I walked in.

"I'm good like that. How was the shower?"

"Would've been better with you in it."

"I'm tempted to take you up on that. I still haven't showered." He began to prowl toward me and I took a cautious step back.

"I'm already dry and I have my clothes on."

"Take them off." He said, simple as that.

I laughed. "No."

He pouted. "Sometimes, you're no fun."

"Whine later, I've got to go."

"Why do you have to leave so soon?"

"I'm meeting Emily, not to mention, I haven't been home in a few days." I loved spending time with Jon, but I missed the comfort of my own living space. Plus, I needed girl time. "I'll text you the time and place."

"Okay." He bent down to kiss me.

"I'll see you soon."

I was in the best mood when I left. Driving home and away from Jon had been hard. I was attached, emotionally and physically and all I wanted to do was be around him. However, I did believe in absence making the heart grow fonder. I hadn't been this giddy in a while. When I got out of my car after I parked it right next to Emily's, I actually skipped to the front door. Like, a happy little kid on Christmas morning. Nothing could ruin my mood, I thought, as I turned the key in the lock. This day was positively going smooth—

I stopped dead in my tracks.

Two bodies, molded together, moved vigorously on the couch. Sweat glistened their skin as their loud and heavy pants filled the room. Emily was naked, in the living room, on the couch we've spent many nights watching one of her crazy reality TV shows, and she was mounting Scott. Impressively, might I add. I was so shocked, I dropped my keys.

The sound snapped them out of their revere, and Emily's eyes popped wide open. Like a deer caught in head lights, I just stood there. "Hi."

"Mel, what the hell?" She exclaimed.

"I am so sorry. I should've called—"

"Forget that, get out!" Emily snapped.

Scott looked like he didn't mind my presence, but he was a little annoyed that his pleasure was being delayed. He kept his eyes on Emily the entire time. The lower part of his body was flexing and strained so he must have been delaying his body from doing other things.

I kicked into gear. "Sorry!"

I didn't even walk out the door yet before I heard their ferocious pants resume. There was nothing else I could do besides wait so I climbed down the stairs of the porch and sat at the bottom.

"Lovely day we're having, isn't it?"

I smiled at the neighbor. She was walking her dog, Rocky, and I conversed with her whenever I had the chance. From here, I could hear Emily enjoying her day just fine and I was thankful Mrs. Garner wore hearing aids. "The loveliest."


Eh, not my strongest chapter. I will admit, I'm started to lose my groove with this story. But I have an idea for the next chapter, I'm just debating on how I should end it. Mostly, I just start writing then whatever flows with the story, I stick to it.

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