Chapter 5

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Kasey stomped up to her little apartment, slammed the door and locked it behind her, dropped her shoulder bag on the floor and threw herself on the couch in a fit of temper.  “God damned arrogant, controlling man!”  Then she threw a couch cushion across the room.

Kasey growled because Braedon had bested her, he’d followed her home, damn it now he knew where she lived and that meant he could show up anytime he wanted to.  She got up and went to her little kitchenette to put the kettle on for tea.  She looked at the time and was amazed that it was almost 4.30pm.

They must have sat in that restaurant for well over three or four hours eating, drinking and talking to each other.  She’d never done something like that before, hell she’d never had the money or the opportunity to do so.

She sighed and decided to send Jax a text message rather than call.  He’d give her the third degree about Braedon and she just wasn’t up for that.  She looked at the message she typed into her cell, “am home safe so don’t stress will call you soon K” she sighed and hoped he’d settle for her message and not call her back with twenty million questions.  She hit send and sent out a silent prayer that Jax was either too busy or had calmed down enough not to want to speak with her for now.

Kasey didn’t like how she was feeling, she didn’t want to think about how she was feeling, so she organised a tray with tea and some munchies and buried herself in a book until she was tired enough to go to sleep.

Next morning she woke early because she was doing a lunch time shift for Gerry.  She made her bed, organised her clothes and headed for the shower.  Once showered and dressed she put a brush through her hair tying it up in a pony tail, then applied mascara and eye liner and a clear lip gloss. 

She didn’t like bright lip gloss, didn’t think it suited her colouring but liked to have something on her lips.  She took one last look in the mirror rolled her eyes and left mumbling something to the effect of ‘she’d never be a glamour’.

When Kasey got to the Rocks she stopped off at a nearby café for a cherry Danish and a coffee then sat at the bus stop across the road from Gerry’s bar enjoying the sticky tartness of the Danish and the caffeine goodness of the coffee.

The bar was just opening and Kasey wasn’t going in until she figured they were all set up.  She knew from experience if she went in too early, she’d be the one organising everything before they officially opened.

She finished off the last of her coffee and sat back closing her eyes for a minute to take in the freshness of the day and the salt in the air, “You’re up and about early kitten, don’t tell me Gerry has you working again so soon?”

Kasey didn’t have to open her eyes to know who owned that voice, so she chose to ignore it.  “Come now, it is bad manners to ignore someone who is being so polite to you.”

She opened her eyes and sat forward smiling ever so sweetly at him, “And what business is it of yours what I do or when I do it?”  Then she got to her feet and strode across the road to the bar.

Braedon almost had a heart attack watching as she neglected to check the road for traffic and walked headlong into it.  Thankfully the drivers saw her and stopped without connecting with her.  Never the less he was ready and willing to hurt someone if she was injured in any way.

He raced after her and grabbed her by the elbow as she reached the footpath, effectively stopping her from getting any closer to the bar.  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?  You could have been killed!”

He saw the shocked look on her face, loosened his grip on her arm and wasn’t really surprised when she pulled her arm away from him.  She opened her mouth to speak, to yell at him, but words failed her and she turned away from him and walked as quickly as she could into the bar making her way to the back room where she put her bag in a locker before putting on one of the bar shirts that Gerry provided for his workers.

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