Chapter 28

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                                                                 Chapter 28

Braedon picked Kasey up and carried her to the edge of the stream. He lowered her to the grass again then took off his shirt wetting it in the stream so he could clean her wounds. Once done he gathered Kasey in his arms and took her to the cabin placing her on the makeshift bed in the far corner of the room.

He brushed the hair off her face and stroked her cheek gently with a finger. If he lost her it would end him, Nicolas and his Enforcers would have to hunt him down and kill him. He didn’t care; if she was gone he didn’t want to live, so he sat on the floor beside her took her hand in his and waited.

An hour later Jacob stepped into the cabin with a backpack slung over his shoulder, he put it on the floor and walked over to his friend and Alpha. He crouched down and rested a hand on Braedon’s shoulder.

“She will be fine Brae, she’s got the strength of the Fey behind her, you‘ve seen how quickly she can heal.”

Braedon looked at Jacob his eyes glazed over with pain. Jacob sat on the floor embracing his friend, “I’m here Brae, no matter what I’m here.”

This kindness broke him, this man who’d led his Pack with a courage and determination that had put him in the position as the leader of all Packs in New South Wales. This man who would kill to protect those he loved now held tight to the only person he felt safe enough to show how he truly felt. Braedon broke down completely… he cried until he was spent releasing all the pent up fear and anger and worry he had for their situation.

Jacob held him and in the end he cried with his friend. He’d been there when Braedon first met Kasey, hell he’d been there through everything it took to get her here. She might not be his mate, but he realised he loved her too and he didn’t want to lose either of them.

When they were both calm Jacob crawled over and got his backpack. “I brought the necessities,” he said, then opened the bag and pulled out a tee-shirt and tossed it to Braedon. He also pulled out a flask that Braedon knew would be full of coffee; and two mugs which he filled for them both.

He handed a mug to Braedon after he put on the shirt, then pulled out a paper bag and handed it to his friend, “Eat or Gilbert will be most upset with you.”

Braedon didn’t fight him; he ate the sandwich and drank the coffee. They sat quietly for a while both noticeably not watching Kasey. Jacob topped up their coffee and they drank waiting for a sound… a miracle… waiting for Kasey to sit up and say ‘hey guys what’s up’?

Finally Braedon put down his mug and turned to Jacob, “How bad is it?”

Jacob sighed, “It could have been worse, we all felt a good deal of what you were going through. Jaz, Nicolas and Shallana got organised and helped those who needed it. Even Kasey’s brothers helped out… well most of them.”

Braedon looked at him raising a brow, “What?”

“Later my friend, right now you need to focus on your mate.”

“Jake, right now I need to keep my mind from conjuring up the worst possible scenarios where Kasey is concerned. Tell me what happened.”

Jacob nodded, “You aren’t going to like it! When it hit us… what you were feeling, everyone came running outside to see what was going on. I was in the house with Gilbert, he likes to give the appearance of being strong, but he’s not as strong as he thinks he is anymore. I got him settled on the couch and went to see if Jaz needed a hand.

Yeah I know your thinking; I would have run to see if Tally was alright, but there were so many feeling your pain her parents were with her. We kept checking in with each other and even though I’d guessed Nicolas told me what he believed happened.”

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