Chapter 12

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Daniel and Eli froze!  They both realised that Kasey was no longer in the café, they stood and in one fluid movement Eli rushing out the front door and Daniel out the back one.  Daniel sent out a message not just to Eli, but to his Alpha and any other Were’s that were near.  “Kasey has left the café and I sense danger.  Eli, she would have come through the alley, head that way I will be there in a minute.”

Daniel kept the link open so that everyone would know what was happening.  He sensed Braedon rushing to get to them and hoping that Kasey was safe and unharmed.  Daniel ran up the alley and into the main street, he stopped and turned around trying to find her and when he did he didn’t think he reacted… he ran with all the speed of a Were and felt a strangled cry escape his mouth as he realised he was too late.

He saw the man from the bank shouting at Kasey, he wanted to kill him for the words he said alone, then he saw the gun and tried harder to get to her but even a Were can’t out run a bullet.  He heard the shot ring out and caught her as she was about to collapse.  He looked up to see Eli coming up behind the man who’d shot Kasey and turned not wanting her to see what he was sure Eli would do to the man for daring to harm her.

Daniel picked Kasey up holding her against his chest as he walked into the nearest store, it was a clothing store and he carefully lay her on the carpet grabbing whatever clothing that was nearby to hold against her wound.

He spoke to his Alpha then, “I have her, we are in the clothing store he shot her… that bastard shot her!”  He took a breath and concentrated on Kasey, “She needs an ambulance, she’s losing a lot of blood.”

Braedon ran as fast as he could ignoring the fact that he was moving way too fast for a normal human.  He needed to get to his mate, needed to see that she was alive… that she would survive this.  Long minutes later he entered the clothing store and fell to his knees beside his injured mate.  For a long moment he couldn’t breathe and it took Jacob’s hand shaking his shoulder to bring him back.

“Brae, the ambulance is here, you need to move so they can see to Kasey’s wound.”  Jacob helped him move away, and signalled for two other Were’s to hold him back as the paramedics started working on Kasey.

Braedon tried to go to Kasey as they put her in the back of the ambulance, but was held firm.  Jacob spoke with the paramedics and told them that they would follow them to the hospital.  The ambulance sped down the street towards the hospital as several cars pulled up to pick up Braedon, Jacob and Daniel. 

Eli was handing David over to the police and making an informal statement, but once they realised who had been shot everyone moved quickly to get David to the station for processing.  Eli got a ride to the hospital with Nate, who had collected Henry, Marie and Chrissy as well. They were barely holding it together by the time they arrived.  They parked the car as close to the hospital as they could then they ran for the emergency area.

As they walked in Nate saw the others had already arrived and he went straight to Braedon.  He didn’t have to ask, didn’t have to say a word, Braedon knew what he wanted, what he needed.  “We are still waiting for news Nate, they will let us know as soon as they can.” 

Nate shook his head and walked away, he found a piece of wall that wasn’t already draped with a Were and took up residence there, Eli did the same in another area of the room.  Braedon sighed and ran a hand through his hair several times needing to expel some of the agitation that was building up inside of him.

Chrissy and Marie were in tears as Henry ushered them to seats and Braedon came over to them to try and reassure them that Kasey would be alright.  He patted Chrissy on the shoulder and gave Maries hand a squeeze.  He looked up at Henry and he nodded acknowledging that he understood what he was trying to do for the woman.

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