Gospel of the Hurricane

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Look me in my eyes

What do you see there?

Tell me, because I'm blinded

By the darkness lurking in them

I was told,

the suicidal fallacies circling like a hurricane,

they scared you away,

Is that why I'm alone?

Even mellifluous words

Couldn't smooth over the wounds

I've inflicted on myself,

I alway want more

Greedy for blood, for pain,

Who did you fall for?

I want to be treated the way I see myself,

Nothing more than a stray,

Kick me aside and leave me,

But always keep my hopes up

So it'll tear me apart in the end,

When you love her more

I call myself such beautiful things

Greedy, whore, disgusting, worthless

I echo only what I hear

From others mouths,

Such a mouthful of thorns

You mouth me beautiful lies

Beautiful, worth it, perfect, amazing

But why,

Do you have to trick me?

I never wanted to fall in love,

And here I am,

Faking for one

Hiding for another

Equality, in no sense,

follows the insanity they call love

I'm my father's daughter

Hypocritical, I tell you to look

Into what hurts you most

To make me feel better

I told you, you're not good enough

You don't deserve me

I'm a liar

And cheat

You don't deserve me

Because you deserve so much more

Not a downhill mess up,

I'm sorry for writing the truth

It's what I've always done,

The words were stolen from me

And kept by my jailer

She didn't want me to see

What I'm haunted by

Every time I see my reflection,

It's not fair

Ugly girls,

Pretty girls,

We're all the same aren't we?



Hold me, I'll ask

You do so as I shiver

From the cold in my thin bones

I starved for him

And he didn't even notice,

No warning bells

Everything is a joke when it comes

From my twisted smile,

You didn't notice

That I admitted to tying a noose

In such a terrified tone

I said, as long as it gets the job done,

Does it matter what it looks like?

You did nothing

I'm not surprised,

That's how this society works

I thought you didn't play

By those rules

I don't know where I'm going

I meant to ask,

For you to fix me

But after admitting my hopeless case,

I watch you running,

Running with wolves

Don't drag me back home

I've been hiding it all so well

I'm falling apart,

I don't have to look pretty

Just put me back together

I'm sick of being alone

And yet I see voids around me

Or am I still blinded,

Blinded by previous mentions

Of my hopeful fallacies

Pick one, you polyphonic savior

A single note

Of a complicated melody

Let me fall


Let me fly

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