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Ty's POV.

I sagged in relief as Skye was told the truth. It still didn't take away the fact that I did sleep with that girl and by default caused everything to happen to both me and Skye.

I looked at her as she left and could almost see the waves of sadness roll off of her as she too realized that she should've listened to the truth. But I don't blame her, not at all, I would have done the same were I in her position. I looked over at the girl and felt suspicion leak into me as I noticed she was very calm and with her glazed over eyes I knew something was up.

"Can you describe what your Alpha looked like." I asked her. She jerked her head over to me in fright and began twitching as she tried to tell me.

"He...is...a...tall man, with blue- no green- eyes and a powerful aura around him. Dark, but powerful. A scar on his left cheek..." She told me this and as it happens I happen to know someone who fits that description. Cane...

Skye's POV.

I walked straight to the war room where Trev and Greg were (they were Ty's beta and delta) and Sharanch who were busy discussing ways in which to ward off the vampires attacking the wolves all around us. We were being attacked constantly and only survived by sheer luck. So now the only way to assure the survival of this pack, we had to come up with plans, training the wolves in both human and wolf forms so that if an attack were to happen they were able to defend themselves against it.

"What's happening?" I asked them, they simply shook their heads and sighed. I went over to Trev who showed me the lay out of the lands which I studied for a while before enchanting the forest to supply me with all sorts of obstacles.

"Alright! Groups of ten will need to gather together and will be set off in a while and will go through the obstacle I have set for you in the forest. All of you need to be acoounted for before and after the journey. So with that set get ready." I told them.

"Yes, Alpha!" The replied in unision.

I went back to the war room and sat in a chair, depressed, mulling over everything that has happened the past few days. Ty was intoxicated by an Alpha whom I don't know about and slept with a girl, then instead of hearing what's going on I went to the elders and the council and stripped him of everything he had in an attempt to get back at him for what he did to me, only for it to backfire in my face when the truth was found out.

Now I need to find a way to help him, and to get rif of that blasted Alpha. I teleported to the council room and as soon as I was seen they tensed.

"What are you doing here?" Councilman Day asked. He was an old man in his early three hundreds, werewolf tend to become very old, between 500 and 1000 years old, and being a member of the council has its perks, they tend to live even longer because of their leadership skills and Alpha blood they had the right to become councilmen.

"It seems we made a mistake when we stripped Ty of everything." I told them.

"What do you mean?" He asked me.

"I mean that we judged him before we knew the whole truth. I interrogated the girl he Slept with and it looks like her Alpha threatened to kill her mate if she didn't sleep with him, he also gave her a potion of some sort that made it impossible for him to resist and as result allowed everything to happen in some sort of plot. Oh, I also have to say that there seems to be a witch among the other pack, whether intentional or not, it is wrong. "

They looked thoughtful at my statement and pondered it for a while when Councilwoman Jade looked at me.

"What do you want us to do about it." She asked.

"I was wondering if you might be able to give him back everything he lost at a price. That price would be that he would have to stand a trail like his father did with Penelope but in front of the Council. So that you would be able to judge him and then decide if he is good enough to get all of his responsibilities back. Is that okay with you?" I was wondering if it would be a good idea for that to happen, but seeing as he did almost kill me, even if it was under the influence of the potion, I think the trial was best solution.

"Agreed. So with that said, bring Tyler Blake and let him be judged."

Ruthless Eyes!! (sequel to Deadly Eyes!!)Where stories live. Discover now