AUTHOR NOTE: Get Killed by Mark Leslie

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This is an author note dated October 6, 2016

I, DEATH, which began life as a serialized blog in 2006, was originally published in print by a small Canadian publisher (Atomic Fez) in 2014. Unfortunately, the book didn't get broad distribution and it, like so many of Peter O'Mallick's friends, died a slow and quiet death.

Edge Science Fiction & Fantasy Publishing, a Canadian publisher from Calgary, Alberta, acquired the rights to I, DEATH and is re-launching the book in the Fall of 2016.

And to celebrate this "re-birth" of the novel, I'm going to kill someone.

But don't worry, it's all in the name of ad hoc fiction writing in November.

Historically, in the crafting of Peter O'Mallick's story, I have killed people in the name of a good cause. Two of the characters who are killed in the novel (Rainy and Gwen) were winners in an auction to raise money for a Hamilton (the city where I live) literacy organization. They bid in order to be killed in a fictional setting within my original blog story-line way back in 2006. A few years later, in anticipation of the release of I, DEATH I wrote a stand alone tale called "Collateral Damage" in which I killed a real person in a fictional story to raise money for a sci-fi con in Niagara Falls New York called Eerie Con.

For this 2016 - Get Killed By Mark Leslie Contest, I'm offering to kill someone based on a random selection of entries. The way it'll work is this:

The winner will be contacted by me in early November in order to determine a few key facts about them so that I can write a stand-alone short story that takes place in the I,DEATH / Sin-Eater universe featuring them meeting Peter and, of course, dying.

Winners will provide a few details about their interests / skills / favorite things as well as at least one or two phobias or fearsWinners will be able to decide if they want their real name used or a fictional name within the storyWinners will be written into a uniquely crafted story that I will write in November 2016 and which will be released as an ePub and limited edition print book and in POD in December 2016

You can enter at the following website. Entries must be received prior to Nov 1, 2016 Eastern.

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