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kyokao au! drabble, career au! headcanons, ot7 headcanons
& lastly, ot7 au! drabble.

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aka the ddlg/daddy kink AU
[ requested; -wavvy ]

the auburn haired girl snickered, slightly. she had kyoya right where she wanted him! the older had taken residence at his computer like always, obvious to her plans. the girl skipped over to the ravenette male, giggling lightly. as soon as she was near him, she jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

"kyo~ come play with me," she beamed.

the older didn't respond, he didn't even flinch, he simply tapped away on his keyboard. kaoru whined, upset about not getting attention. she shook his shoulders a little, a smirk making its way to her lips. she moved quickly, sitting herself down on his lap.

"daddy~ would you please come play with me?" she asked, batting her eyes at him.

"you little..." he murmured under his breath. she pouted at him, fake tears forming in her eyes. he sighed, pulling her by the waist, setting her head on his shoulder.

"fine, we'll play, but daddy has work to do first. so, be a good girl and wait."

"but what if i don't wanna wait..." she mumbled into his neck.

"are you implying that you'll misbehave? 'm sorry, baby, but there'll be consequences," he responded, looking back at his computer.

"oh? what kind, daddy?" she asked, innocently. kyoya smirked, placing his hand on her thigh, giving it a squeeze.

"guess you'll just have to find that out on your own, huh?"

"oh~ daddy! you're playing dirty!" she exclaimed, giving a laugh. she went back to resting her head on his shoulder, giggling at him. this is what she loved the most, for her to tease and for him to tease back. by the time kyoya had finished, an hour or so had passed, and kaoru had fallen asleep on him.

"such a princess... but you're my princess," he whispered, planting a kiss to her forehead. a little secret he kept to himself, he was absolutely mesmerized by her.

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if they weren't damn rich people

if she didn't have plans to become a lawyer, she most likely would have gone with being a journalist or an author since she's extremely good with her words. but if that doesn't pan out she'd probably be a social worker, helping kids who land in the system.

this boy is people-person. he'd either be a nurse that works for a children's hospital or a french teacher, just imagine tamaki with kids. (and in scrubs lol) he had original plans of being a vet, but that didn't turn out so great after he found out he'd have to put animals down.

i don't think him being in the fashion industry would change, he'd probably become a top model or a public figure for social media. he'd most likely have a very 'open to the public' type career.

professional gamer, or a youtube gaming channel. this boy loves to play games, why not do it for a living? (canon hika becomes a game designer so) if vine still existed, he'd be on that shit.

software developer, he's all about the computers, he probs works for google lol. though his degree was in accounting.
(i just imagined psychiatrist!kyoya ohmy)

surgeon!mori is the best mori. he has the most steadiest hands ever, a brain surgeon to be exact. his plan b was to become a lawyer, his family has high expectations.

a chef, in all fields of foods. from homestyle to baked good to five-star meals, honey is your go to guy. traveled to learn different styles. this was his only dream, and he accomplished it. (canon honey cooked in the manga and anime)

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ot7 headcanons

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thank you guys so much for the 21K!

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