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poly ships are the best ships
[ queerplatonic hikakao & morihoney ]
[ takes place after high school ]

— cuddlers of the group ; honey and tama. mori is high up there as well, but he's more quiet about it. (lol) he doesn't approach them for cuddles, if they're in his reach or in need of cuddles, he's there. he doesn't need to be asked twice.

— hand holding is a regular thing with all of them, including the reluctant kyoya. for the most part he only ever holds kaoru's hand, sometimes tamaki's when he doesn't shut up, and every now and then, haru's, only if they're in a public place and she might get lost (he lowkey cares a lot).

— it was a bit odd for all of them to get use to being polyamory. kyo and kao were dating, as were haru, tama, and hika. (hikatamaharu ftw) honey and mori were simply a queerplatonic relationship. (not romantic but had a close emotional connection) it started with kyo and tama, who slowly left the best friend zone. haru and hika were chill with more partners considering one of them was kaoru. (headcanon mori as lithosexual --- gives sexual pleasure but doesn't want it to be reciprocated — and honey as gray-ace — sometimes is sexual, sometimes isn't) they kinda join in because of what their sexuailties are, it'd be weird since they're cousins so they just fell in somewhere in between with the rest of them since they're comfortable with them.

— friday movie night, a must in their household. they watch at least three to four movies since they can never decide on one. hika and tama are usually the ones who eat all the popcorn. mori is mostly just being used as pillow for honey or kaoru, depends on who gets to him first. kyoya, lowkey (highkey) judges everything the main character does, or just the entire movie, because he simply can't understand why wonder woman needs five minutes of wind blowing in her hair right before she's about to fight. haruhi, the one falls asleep on someone's shoulder during the second movie.

— cute group dates. haruhi and kyoya (only because he's never had that home like feeling) like more domestic dates, like going on picnics or an uncrowded beach. the twins, tama, and honey like something active like amusement parks and shopping centres to look at the cool things. mori doesn't really mind any of their ideas, but he's more of a simplistic guy, a coffee date where you can talk is enough for him or just spending quality time together.

— for public appearances (elegant business gatherings, fashion shows, & meetings), since they're all apart of powerful families, they go in pairs. they never publicly announce anything but they do call whoever they're with their company/partner for the evening. (sounds like their escorts wtf)

— sleeping arrangements differ every night. they rotate sometimes. mostly it's where one of them falls asleep and another who just randomly decides to join them.

— sex isn't tricky for them. honey doesn't normally engage with any of them unless he really wants too. mori is the stress reliever, he doesn't mind who it is as long as they feel good (not counting honey). hika likes to be watched, mostly by tamaki while he fucks haru (whOOPS) so the more the merrier. kyokao keep to themselves unless they decide to include someone or a spur of the moment thing happens with another host, individually or together.

— kissing is done casually with everyone. tamaki is the one who catches everyone off guard when he gives them a peck. hika kisses everyone just to mess with them. kyo, mori, and haruhi don't particularly try to kiss anyone, at least in public where they're most likely to get caught, but they sometimes steal one. kaoru and honey don't mind being kissed or giving kisses. tamaki does this thing where he kisses hikaru (he's the only one who's down to do it) and tells him to pass it on and then a train of kisses happen.


thanks for reading the 50th special!


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