chapter twelve "sam"

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Chapter twelve "sam"
Sam's p.o.v
I waited till everything was quite I turned to my boyfriend Alex "you gonna come with?" I asked "its better than staying in this shithole" Alex said standing up we snuck out of the building we were in and looked at one of the maps we saved because every other map or book was burnt, corrupted or taken by EnderDarkness "we gotta head north east" I said pointing at the map "but if we head north we can see if the village that we used to trade with is corrupted" Alex said I nodded in agreement we started heading north as quickly as we could. A few hours had passed and our music kinda helpping with the stress and long trip but we heard a shriek we ducked behind a near by car and saw tainted Zombies swarm a little girl  "can we use the TNT? Or just use the baseball bats?" I asked "baseball bat less chance of killing the girl" Alex said I handed him a baseball bat and charged in swinging left and right we saw a gap and grabbed the girl and ran away from the zombies "you ok?" Alex asked the girl "w-wheres m-m-my m-mummy a-and d-d-daddy?" The girl sniffled on the verge of tears 'please for everything that is holy do not start to cry....' i thought looking away "well most likey we hit them over the head with our baseball bats saving you" I mumbled Alex elbowed my ribs "ow..." "not the place or the time for that Sam" Alex said mentioning to the child "ok ok I won't say her face" I said looking around "heard from Mathew lately?" I asked Alex shook his head "haven't heard from that bitch since this bullshit started" Alex said rolling his eyes "w-what's a b-bitch?" The little girl asked we looked at the girl and tried not to laugh "we totally forgot about the kid" I whispered to Alex making it harder for him not to laugh "w-well......uh it's a female doggo" I said trying harder not to laugh "a-and b-b-bullshit?" The girl asked we turned away and snickered 'fuck this kid is gonna kill us!' I thought we turned back to her "um let's just find somewhere to drop you off at or something" Alex said we walked off and the girl followed behind us "what's your names...?" The girl asked "Sam and Alex" I said "but you look like and sound like girls like me!" The girl said "uh we don't class our selves as girls we are guys as far as you should know..." I said "my name is Kiki" chirped Kiki "I honestly don't care" I mumbled to Alex, Alex nodded in agreement "why were you in my village?" Asked Kiki "why are you so talkative?" I asked "oh.....sorry....." Kiki said "look it's not that we don't want to listen to you it's just we are trying to find help" Alex explained "why? Is it because of that scary monster in my dreams?" Kiki asked we stopped and turned to her "in your dreams?" We asked in unison Kiki nodded and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper we opened it and saw a very childish drawing of a dragon girl with a ender eye around her neck and next to that was the world in purple and black "please tell me you just ran out of colours when drawing the world" Alex said looking at Kiki, she shook her head 'no' we looked at each other "you still have that book?" I asked Alex pulled out the book and flicked through the pages "if this continues the whole world will be doomed and not just our world--" "WHAT?!" "If I'm reading this right the corruption will spread to other dimensions not even the nether nor the End will be safe including other Timelines...." Alex said I pulled out some sticks of TNT and walked forward and Lit them and threw them far away with a yell I waited to hear the sound a distance boom was heard Alex walked up "any better?" He asked "would you believe me if I said yes?" I asked knowing the answer "no" "thought so"

Thomas's p.o.v
So I was sparing with Emily when she tripped me up with a vine "ow" I said rubbing the back of my head "heh sorry but you can't just go full on guns blazing into battle you gotta beware of the attacker and their attacks" Emily said helping me up I dusted myself off and saw Kye running away from Teep's attacks me and Emily watched as Kye summoned potion after potion I whistled and pointed at Kye giving him platforms to jump up on and he did he jumped up and threw a potion at Teep giving him blindness Kye summoned a weapon it was a dagger changing colours which I'm guessing was the potion affects and held it at Teep's throat "Ha I win!" Kye said catching his breath "you cheat" Emily said elbowing me "hey magic bros gotta stick together we're mainly defence and healing and stuff" I say shrugging "so Kye has a weapon and so does James do you?" Emily asked I shrugged "maybe?" I said "how 'bout you?" Emily shrugged in response "it's not just them who have weapons...." Sky said "Adam what happened to You?" I asked "Its Sky and Sly happened" Sky said "No your name is Adam everyone just calls you Sky and what do you mean?" "He summoned a fire whip and evaporated my cloud and I landed on the ground" Sky said dusting him self off "Adam is your name? Really?" Emily asked he nodded "well imma go Kye! Coming with?" I said Kye ran up to me "sure I've already had my arse handed to me anyway..." Kye said we walked outside and climbed up to the roof "so you helped me beat Teep eh?" Kye asked I shrugged "yea if you haven't noticed we're not that good at hand to hand combat I mean you have a dagger and I read the elemental book and I have a short sword" "wait why do you get a short sword but I get a dagger?" "Because I need to aim and remember the spells where as you just need to throw weaken them and if they get close you can strike them down" I explained he sighed "I guess so? Anyway you got your ass beaten by Emily eh?" "Don't get any idea's" we heard a scream and then a white snow owl flew past us we ducked down when a paragon falcon zoomed over us as the snow owl pulled up and started flying up so did the paragon falcon me and kye stood up and watched the snow owl started to dive the paragon falcon hesitated then dived after it "DUCK!!!" I shouted we jumped down the stairs they were heading straight for the roof "don't hit it don't hit it don't hit it!" We repeated the snow owl opened its wings and zoomed away just before hitting the ground but the paragon falcon freaked out his wings out of beat and crashed into the roof we rushed up as Tinker changed back from his paragon falcon form he was unconscious "Snow!" We called Snow turned around doing a barrel roll in the air and coming to a stop In front of us "that was so cool!" We said "I know right! I would never be this confident on my normal form!" She says "uh is tinker gonna be ok?" We looked at Tinker "um......" I struggled to think of an answer "maybe?" Kye said shrugging "so why were you running or well flying away from Tinker?" I asked "oh he was gonna force me out of energy so my body has no choice but to change back..." snow explained "what?!" I shouted "not cool dude!" Kye said kicking Tinkers legs "but I know how to change back" snow said rubbing the back of her neck and I had only just noticed she had a bandage over her head and parts of her body "then....why don't you change back?" Kye asked "because....." we waited for an answer she started to tear up "b-because....I-I'm scared! I'M SCARED OF GOING BACK TO BEING BLIND!! I enjoy seeing! I enjoy seeing what my friends actually look like instead of this white outline! I enjoy flying! I enjoy have some freedom!" Snow said sitting on the edge I looked at Kye he had that look in his eye that look of sympathy he looked at me then looked at snow "listen SnowDrop.....we might not know how it feels to be blind but we know how it feels to be helpless but we found our own strength!" Kye said "yea? Like what?" SnowDrop asked "in each other Kye was good at technology and I was not I found strength in him! And he wasn't good at mapping and stuff so he found strength in me" I explained "what are you getting at?" SnowDrop asked "you might not have vision like we do and we might not have the awareness like you but we can find strength in each other" I said she sniffled and wiped her tears away "o-ok...y-yeah I think I understand..." SnowDrop said taking a deep breath and changing back she was now her normal self she trembled and fell forward we caught her "you ok snow?" Kye asked "j-just tired....." snow said her medallion stopped glowing "let's get you inside" Kye said piggybacking her I pointed at Tinker and a magic bubble appeared around him it floated up and I walked down the stairs following Kye "where is Emily she has a healing ability" I asked "EMILY!!" Kye shouted "seriously?" I asked "What? You asked I'm giving you an answer" Kye said we heard a growl we turned around the corner and see a very sleepy and angry Emily "do you mind?!" Emily scoffed "uh bad time?" I asked

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