Chapter fifty-two "we're so far away"

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Kye's p.o.v
We had jumped through the portal that the anti-verse Zen had made, I landed on top of someone before rolling off of them, I laid there on the ground feeling light headed, my head was still slightly ringing from whatever episode I had when in the anti-verse "you Okay Kye?" Tom asked offering his hand out to me, I took his hand and hoisted myself up "Uh Yea just a little bit of ringing is all, no biggie" I said before dusting myself off "oh wait, oh fuck! No!" Tinker whined the team turned to him with a worried expression "what? What's wrong?" Emma asked worry spread across her face "I could have taken notes! Then all the elemental powers would hav been recorded!" Tinker whined whilst standing up, the team took a breath now knowing it wasn't life threatening. "Where are we? This doesn't look like where we first fell..." Jade asked looking around, this was definitely a new temple, the roof above us was torn off completely, it looked like a bomb had gone off trying to destroy this. Pale moonlight flooded all of us, it would have been relaxing if the world wasn't soon to end.

Third person p.o.v
Tinker pulled out a device from his bag and tried to start it up, the screen flickered to life showing their location, they were 5 towns away from where they had to be, 2 and a half weeks to get there at normal pace. Tinker handed the device around and the mood seemed to drop heavily "how are we suppose to get there before she kills everyone?" Tom asked grimly "we're never gonna make it there..." Kye said weakly "now hold on a second! We still have a chance!" Tinker said taking the device back and putting it back in his bag "how? We're five towns away from where we were! She tried to erase Kye!" Jade said stamping her foot on the ground dispersing the long settled dust, "none of us have that much power to teleport that far! Just fact the facts we're all dead!" Sly spat crossing his arms, his ears and tail drooped, "we'll figure something out! Just stop thinking negatively!" Tinker said determined pulling out a notepad and pen scribbling things down.

"We're gonna die aren't we?" Snowdrop mumbled weakly into the air not directed to anyone, "I-I don't wanna die again..." Summer whimpered trying to hold back tears "no, no this can't be the end... it can't! We've come to far to just give up!" Sky shouted gripping his amulet tightly, the clouds that covered most of the sky clapped with thunder, Sky looked to the group "come on we can't give up now! We're so close!" Sky said looking to the group, the clouds above gave s light mist of rain, "face it Sky we're all doomed!" Jade glared at Sky, Lighting lit up the sky as the rain came down heavier. Tinker sighed annoyed 'why can't a think of anything?! Come in think! Think! Thi-' there was a crash of thunder and a flash of lighting that broke Tinker from his thoughts, he placed his goggles over his eyes and looked up, one, two, three flashes of lighting danced across the clouds above, 'if I can conduct enough lighting... and- and some how transfer it to one of my electrical devices I could create a temporary shift in time maybe... maybe I could reverse time for a day? Two if I'm lucky... but what about all that extra power?' Tinker thought keeping his eyes on the lighting flashes above him 'it could possibly kill me! But at the same time.... it could help us save this world.... they- they... won't agree let alone hear me...' Tinker mentally debated, he ran his hands through his wet hair multiple times before taking a shaky breath, he looked through his bag and pulled out a half finished build of what seemed like a small cube before tossing it to the ground, he changed into his elemental form, his goggles reformed to fit the shape of the head, the whole world around him tinted grey, Tinker grabbed the small cube in one of his talons before flying directly upwards.

The team watched in confusion and fear as Tinker flew straight up towards the storm clouds "Tinker! Stop! Your gonna Kill yourself!" Sky shouted trying to control the clouds to part, the storm was too strong for him to part, Sky and James changed into their hybrid forms and took off simultaneously towards Tinker, Tinker flew quickly before breaching the clouds with sparks zapping him from the breach, he continued to fly until he was in the middle of the storm, "Tinker!" James and Sky shouted nearing him, Tinker used the electricity he had and shot them back, "get back!" Tinker shouted over the howling wind "your gonna kill yourself!" James shouted "or save us..." Tinker mumbled.

Tinker changed into his human from holding the cube and began to plummet, James and Sky went to grab him when five lighting bolts shot him, James and Sky shielded their eyes at the bright light and Tinker's body was seizing up he gritted his teeth tightly whilst holding the cube upwards, Tinker couldn't take it he screamed out in pain as his body took most of the electrical power, the lighting bolts stopped suddenly and allowed Tinker to plummet further and faster, his body encased in blue electrical currents, James and Sky recovered flying down quickly and grabbing his arms and fighting their instincts to recoil at the repeated electrical shock that was pulling through them the longer they held Tinker.

Tinker was dropped to the ground as James and Sky couldn't hold him, Tinker's body landed with a thud in front of the rest of the team "holy shit is he dead?!" Jade asked frantically, James who was shaking his arms about trying to get feeling in them again hook his head "no the bastard is still alive somehow!" James muttered.

Blue sparks covered Tinker's body as he lifted himself up and looked to the group, the sparks grew and became more erratic as it covered his body until he looked completely different.

Blue sparks covered Tinker's body as he lifted himself up and looked to the group, the sparks grew and became more erratic as it covered his body until he looked completely different

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