Chapter twenty-seven "the bet of power"

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Chapter twenty-seven "the bet of power"
James' p.o.v
I have had enough of this I reached my hand out and the mind scape trapped the four I was fighting they tried to move "hey! That's cheating!" "Come on how's that fair?" "Tsk just when I thought things were becoming interesting" "James don't do this! You don't know what's going on!" I huffed listening to them complain I snapped my fingers and they disappeared, don't worry they're just in the very back of my mind, they'll weasel their way back to me.... I looked around and saw the shadow element in control with Kiki? "Hey!" I shouted out they didn't seem to hear 'how long have I been distracted?' I wondered 'wait...HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN IN CONTROL?!' I speed walked towards them I tried to grab Kiki but a force field stopped me I grunted as I rammed my shoulder into the force field "come on! Break!" I thought jumping onto it, it broke and I fell on my ass I got up and dusted myself off before grabbing Kiki and the shadow element on the shoulders pulling them out of control I felt the body fall backwards "oh James your awake?" The shadow elemental asked in a ghostly gaspy voice "you can talk?" I asked surprised "a-anyway, what were you two doing?" I looked at Kiki "we took control whilst you were fighting" Kiki said I huffed "did anything happen?" I asked "besides summer blushing at what I did" Kiki mumbled "pardon? What was that?" I asked pretending that I didn't hear that "nothing!" Kiki squeaked "besides that....nothing" shadow element said "like Shay said, nothings happened except for uneasy feelings" Kiki explained "well 'Shay',Kiki keep up the good work and thanks in a way? Also don't do that again" I said taking my body back in control.

I sat up quickly looking around 'where's Summer? Wait where am I?' I thought looking around I saw i was at the edge of the forest with Emma and Sky near the castle "petal and Skylar are in control... make them believe Damien took control" Kiki said I shrugged 'couldn't hurt' I thought punching myself in the face before shaking it off and grunting "ugh, god that took longer than I thought" I said stretching playing it off "Damien?" Emma asked 'huh so they are in control' I thought "has to be, his eyes are the same colour and not blue" Sky said standing up walking towards me "did you find out what happened to violet?" Emma asked "huh?" "You said you were gonna go see what happened to violet" "oh right! I c-couldn't something stopped me so I took over my host" I lied (roll deception XD) they seemed to believe me "we should go in and investigate" I said turning around before stopping " where's Summer? Er I mean dean... wait did dean take over?" I asked turning back to them "not that we could tell, and summer ran off after Dean, into the castle" Sky said "alright then let's get going" I huffed acting grouchy walking towards the castle, all of a sudden the world went dark around me like I was going blind, I looked around frantically, I looked forward and saw myself, Sky and Emma walking forward when all of a sudden earthly spike shot out of the ground impaling us, I stepped back "violet trapped then ground?!" I asked "oh god is summer okay?" I asked out loud when all of a sudden I was thrusted forward into the castle the world still ghost like, I saw a feral Teep, no violet with a trapped Summer but dean was in control, they were to scared to move "no, no stop this! Stop!" I shouted running forward and jumping in front of Summer right as Teep pounced I closed my eyes bracing for impact... nothing happened...I opened my eyes and saw i was inside of Teeps head like a frozen image Teep was trapped, violet in control but black mist was eminent around her feet and legs like Decay when he took control of me "corruption?" I asked out loud when all of a sudden I was thrust back into my body, I looked around no time had passed 'what was that?' I wondered I saw up ahead the area with the trapped earth "let's avoid this part" I said "huh why?" Sky asked "t-trust me" I said "no I want to know why Damien" Emma said I sighed picking up a sizeable rock and throwing it onto the trap as soon as it landed the earthly spikes shot up from the ground shattering the rock "now you see why?" I asked they nodded I led them around the trap 'Kiki...what was that' I wondered "future vision..." Kiki sighed 'bit of warning next time' I thought "without my actual form I can't control it...just be lucky this was a helpful future vision" Kiki mumbled I dismissed the thought as we reached the front entrance of the castle safely. We snuck inside no one was there but there was earth like spikes shooting up from the ground, "Damien?" Emma asked "yea?" "Where are the others?" "I don't know..." I looked around once again near the steps there was a giant earth dome I stepped towards it quickly I heard muffled voices, arguing "hello?" I called the arguing stopped "hello?!" The two muffled voices cried from within I looked to Emma and Sky "there's people in here help me get them out!" I ordered they rushed forward to help I summoned scythe and swung at the dome the top of it crumbled ontop on the people inside, Emma and Sky helped them out it was the magic bros "May? April you okay?" Sky asked 'oh... I'm just gonna guess everyone has been taken over at this point' I thought with a huff "Damien what were you thinking you could have crushed us!" Tom shouted I opened my mouth to apologise when Teep dropped down in front of me lizard style I stepped back "hey watch it you could have hit me!" I said the four stepped back scared, Teep chuckled the laugh echoed in my head and obviously in the others too, Teep stood up standing normally clapping slowly "congratulations... you like what I've done?" They sneered "violet, where's the others?!" I asked keeping my scythe close to my side "why, they're 'hanging' around" they chuckled air quoting 'hanging' I looked up and saw earth like cocoons I looked back to Teep "let them go" I growled "why of course" they said snapping their fingers all of a sudden one by one the rest of the team possessed by their hosts dropped from the ceiling "now get out of Teep" I ordered "um how bout no" they said taking a step towards me I held my scythe to their throat "now,now James you wouldn't hurt Teep now would you?" They sneered I felt a urge to swing at their neck to shut them up, my hands began to shake on my scythe as I resisted the urge, Teep grinned "are you a betting man?" Violet asked scarily calm "what if I am?" I asked moving the scythe to lift their chin "then I may have a wager for you" "...I'm listening..." " like a battle don't you?" "Mm?" "Let's make a bet if you defeat me in a battle, I'll leave Teep's body and let him take back control and we can go on our merry ways.." "...and if I lose?" Their grin grew wider "then you lose control of your body and let the next entity in your head take control until you die" I looked them in the glowing brown eyes "I'll let you decide" They said creating a small mound of earth behind them, they took a seat looking at me I looked to the rest of the team, then back to violet my grip tighten on my scythe before I dropped it making it dissipate "...alright your on" I said smirking "...good choice" Teep said standing up and holding out a hand for a hand shake, I shook his hand "we battle at sun down, be ready" they said chuckling before walking off out of the castle I looked to the rest of the team "get out of my friends now" I growled and with that one by one I saw my friends return to their natural self "James what were you thinking?!" Jade shouted at me going to punch me, I didn't move I stood there and took the punch to the face "I'm doing what I have to" I said "okay then what's the plan?" Tinker asked "no, I'm going solo, no help from the team" I said "your dead meat" Kye said "Kye!" The team shouted "what? I'm just speaking my mind" Kye defended "he is right though" Emma said "huh?" Sky asked "Emma's right, he's fighting an elemental who knows their powers extent, we don't" Sly said SnowDrop walked up to me and hugged my legs "don't get yourself killed...please..." SnowDrop pleaded "James" summer said I looked up to Summer "yea?" "Do your best" summer said with a weak smile I nodded.

Third person p.o.v
It was Sun down, the rest of the elementals were gathered at the edge of the castle looking down upon the battle that was about to commence, Teep smirked at James "to make it just this much more interesting how bout we use any form, being supernatural or hybrid alike?" Teep asked "just fine by me" James sneered with that energy erupted from James as he became his hybrid form, and with a spur of blood thirsty darkness Teep became his half Vampire form. Tinker summoned his pistol out stretching his arm upwards, BANG, the earth shot up in spikes going to impale James, James summoned his scythe slicing the spikes in half saving him self before flying upwards firing a lighting bolt at Teep, Teep side stepped every bolt James threw with his speed there one minute a blur the next Teep leaped up towards James, James swung with his scythe, Teep summoned his sling wrapping around the scythe pulling it from his grip, the two floated there staring at each other before they rushed at each each other grasping hands energy was everywhere was this battle continued, the energy pushed both of them away with a blast, Teep laughed, in stead of brown magic energy flowing out of their eyes it was now black, James landed the shadows started to rush towards him making a vortex sucking in any light that remained, Teep growled rather annoyed, he let out a thunderous roar (surprising for a mute), with a flash of energy the once green dinosaur was now transformed into earthly brown, and grey stone skinned lion, they shook their brown earthly main and looked towards James with a devilish grin 'oh...okay...' James thought taken aback 'really should have seen that coming' he thought begrudgingly, James summoned his scythe and held it up before slamming it into the ground darkening the ground around Teep, Teep rose up on a rock pillar avoiding James' attack.

Jade held onto her medallion tightly watching this fight "c-can't we do something?" Jade asked "no...nothing but watch" Sly said "um where's Sam and Alex?" SnowDrop asked "um in the basement or the gaming room, they really don't need to see this..."Tinker said with a sigh "I can't believe this..." Summer said looking away.

Streaks of brown,black and white scattered across the sky James flew up breathing heavily "what? Tiered already? And I thought so much of you..." Teep sneered "I'm not tiered! Just waiting!" James snapped "well then breaks over!" Teep shouted out leaping up towards James, James smashed his scythe into Teep's head causing him to plummet into the ground, James landed scythe to Teep's thick lion neck breathing heavily 'kill,kill,kill' "heh,might I ask? Do you really want to kill me?" Teep asked carefully with the scythe to his throat "n-no...?" James said fighting the urge to kill Teep "that's what I thought.... he's using you." "!" "He's the element of dark and death do you really enjoy all those kills? He's using you as a habitat..." "I-I'm a hoarkrux?" James said loosening his grip in disbelief Teep summersaulted backwards kicking James off of him sending an earth shard through James' chest. As James was up right he fired a dark bolt before he was struck with an earth shard straight through his chest, blood started to leak and flow like a waterfall through his clothes onto the floor, the team cried out in shock, James coughed blood seeping out from the sides of his mouth, he looked towards Teep smirking "n-ni-nice sh-shot" he said clutching his sides, Teep's elemental form dropped showing the half Vampire dinosaur clutching his chest. The shadow bolt James had shot managed to injure Teep in the same way as Teep had injured James, Teep's eyes returned to their normal colour, his eyes welled up with tears of pain as did James', they both fell to one knee gasping for breath, the world seemed to grow dark and cold around them, the team rushed forward but not fast enough.


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