Chapter fifteen "stranger things happen"

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Chapter fifteen "strange things happen"
Jade's p.o.v
I stopped just under a bridge and looked around 'where is everyone?' I thought I shrugged off the thought and walked at a calm pace 'WHY THE FUCK DID NO ONE COME WITH ME?! And how do I find them?' I wondered as I tried to use powers it was kinda stuffed up however I walked for a while when I looked towards a bunch a buildings and saw a a figure in the air then fall down "sky!" I said changing my direction towards where I saw the figure I finally made it into the small building area without being spotted I got to the door and tried to open it but it was jammed? I saw a red eyed beast inside and walked away "nope, nope, nope, nope" I said walking away quickly I saw more buildings and huffed "FOR FUCKS SAKE" I growled kicking at the ground sending dust into the air which I happened to breath in I coughed and spluttered then I heard footsteps moving away quickly "gotcha" I whispered I ran after the sound but then I saw footprints lead into a sky scraper so I ran in after up the stairs...up the long winding stairs 'ugh in hind sight this was a bad idea...' I thought when all of a sudden this weird pixie thing attacked me so I slid back down the railing losing the bastard and running out "ok not doing that again..." I thought with a sigh continuing to walk around aimlessly I saw a police department surrounded by tainted zombies or tambies as I'm calling them I-it's a working progress anywho they saw me "shit" I muttered so I ran once again with a whole HOARD behind me I ran and ended up parkouring onto the walls and over walls "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT,SHIT!!!" I yelled then realised that was a bad idea but I looked behind me and they weren't there? I took this opportunity to get outta there unfortunately it had turned night 'James you lucky bastard!' I thought when I looked around again I was back at the bridge I had started at again "oh come on!" I said I heard growls so I hid under the bridge I saw a cardboard box and hid under it the tambies didn't notice me I moved with the hoard still under the box towards a store one of the tambies had sniffed at the box so I panicked and saw the store lights flicker on and off which caught the tambies attention so I snuck away again and once again ended up at the bridge so I kinda just stayed in the box and I guess I dosed off.

Summer's p.o.v
So Sky was a bit better Kiki was playing with my tail while I was in my wolf form and me? I WAS BEING A GAURD "uh hey summer? Can I talk to you?" Sky asked sitting on one of the benches around I had gotten up and stretched leaving Kiki and sat in front of Sky "human form please so I can actually speak to you..." Sky said I rolled my eyes and changed back fully human no ears or tail just insane human "okie dokie Loki" I said sitting next to him "can you explain to me about what you were talking about earlier?" Sky asked rubbing his eyes "I said eating skeleton remains is kind--" "ew ew no no not that again ugh I mean what you were talking about in the castle with Jade, and Emily?" "Emma" "what?" "Emma is her name" "how'd you" "wolf/dog thing remember? She's a werewolf and me I'm just a hybrid in a pack of werewolves and vampires!" "What...." "anyway two bird going after the same worm?" "Yea that what did you mean by that" "well--" we were interrupted by a figure trying to get in I changed into my wolf form and got to the door it walked backwards and quickly walked off 'yea that's right you better run!' I thought with a growl "ok calm down there anyway about what you were saying" I changed back "about what?" "You know" "no I don't" I said Sky groaned so I went back to playing with Kiki

Alex's p.o.v
So me and Thomas were out looking around I guess for anyone "so uh--" "shhh!" Tom shushed me 'rude' I thought I pointed around the corner where a lot of dust was kicked up and there was a figure there coughing "we gotta go" I whispered he nodded in agreement we ran away quickly when we heard the thing coming after us we ran up the stairs quickly "do something!" I said he panicked and tripped us up he turned around and summoned these evil looking pixie things they flew down the stairs and I guess scared the thing off? "What the fuck did you just summon?" I asked looking at him he was speechless and just shrugged 'wow so helpful...' I thought standing up and dusting my self off with a sigh Tom got up and dusted himself off too we made it back to the top "ok Thomas I know you said he was fine but he's not!" Kye said angrily "why what's wrong?" I asked "HELLO ThErE!!" James said hanging between us "um hi?" I said "dude what did you give him?!" Tom whispered to Kye but loud enough so I could hear "fUcKiNg PiNk FaIrIeS EvEryWhErE" James said cackling at his own sentence "um look at his eyes" I said where the white part of his eyes they were purple "uh-oh" they said

Sly's p.o.v
So we were in a police station that's currently being attacked "hey Em how much longer is that barricade coming?!" I shouted pushing my back against the door keeping the zombies out "gimme a sec I CAN'T CONCENTRATE WITH SOMEONE SCREAMING AT ME" she shouted back SnowDrop sat on one of the chairs meditating "hey SnowDrop not to bother you with anything but I COULD USE YOUR HELP HERE!!!" I shouted she opened her eyes and made her way to the door Emily oh I'm sorry "Emma" had her hands out focusing on making a plant barricade the zombies rammed the door sending us to the ground Emma had lost concentration and the zombies started to pile in "Emma!" I said picking up SnowDrop and throwing her at Emma, emma caught her but fell back I looked towards the zombies coming closer by the second and gained I held out my hands and shot fire sideways and my whip appeared a cracked the whip at them and set the ground on fire near them making them backaway I kept cracking the whip until they were out I dropped my whip and fell to my knee exhausted but they started to come back I took deep breaths something felt weird like I unlocked something inside myself and this whisper but I couldn't concentrate on that now I put my hand on my knee and pushed up I aimed at the ground and shot fire at the ground surrounding the building it made a flaming wall I huffed and turned around and saw Emma holding SnowDrop she was speechless I fell to my knees then my stomach I felt tired I wanted to sleep I shouldn't have done that but if I didn't what would have happened I closed my eyes "sly no no no come on wake up!" Emma said rubbing my shoulders I felt another smaller hand on my other shoulder "I'm awake....just....gimme a second....." I mumbled into the ground "uh sly you um might need to feel this" SnowDrop said she pulled something so I shot up "ow what the hell?!" I said glaring at her (lucky she couldn't see it) "um hey look a new furry buddy besides summer!" Emma said "what...?" I asked confused rubbing between my eyes avoiding my glasses I looked at her again and she had her ears and tail out she smiled like a dork "soooooo fluffy!" SnowDrop said stroking something behind me it kinda felt nice? I dunno but honestly I'm still tired...

Sam's p.o.v
Everything has been pretty quiet for like I dunno 2 hours now? And it's dark now and I've been staring at 'Teep' for over what? 20 minutes? "Ok enough of staring at me what do you want?" Teep asked "your an actual dinosaur" I said poking his scaly face "stop this... you saying that is like me saying your a bi gendered human!" Teep said I put a hand on my chest and made a fake gasp "how. Dare. You." I said we went head to head growling at each other "can you two KNOCK IT OFF?!" Tinker shouted making the lights flicker I heard loud groans I looked out the window and saw the crowd of zombies that weren't interested in the store before are now interested and heading our way "DO SOMETHING!!" I shouted pointing out the window Teep got in front of the door knelt down and closed his fists making the earth inside the front of the door shoot up in spikes trapping us in but keeping the zombies out "okay good job" I said patting teep's back "um thanks" Teep said "and whose fault was it alerting the zombies to us?!" "Yours" we said he kinda went silent after that "I'm gonna lay down wake me if we're in danger or something" I said walking to the back room and laying down on the floor trying to sleep

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