Chapter thrity-three "the fall and a scary surprise"

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Chapter thirty-three "the fall and a scary surprise"
Summer's p.o.v
After that whole, recovering thing I did, I took a break (🙂), I was fucking around on my phone in the rec room, when a sudden pulse of of energy hit my mind and a headache started to grow I groaned clasping the side of my head, and shoving my face into one of the pillows, this headache was at migraine-esk level, it hurt, I groaned louder, "you doing okay there Pup?" Teep asked using the nickname I hated, but I didn't care right now, as he spoke in my head, it made the headache worse, "no....." i groaned into the pillow, all of a sudden a stronger pulse of energy hit my head, it felt like my thoughts went a full 360 degrees inside of my skull 'is this what radiation feels like?' I wondered as I slid off the couch laying on my back as my legs dangled on the couch, I felt nauseous, I let off another groan of pain, "um Summer? You good?" Teep asked me looking up from his book and looking towards me I gave him a stank face "no!" I whined the pulse didn't stop I felt violently ill I felt my bile build up in my throat, I swallowed it back, it tasted horrible, "I'll go get some Advil..." Teep said rolling his eyes, leaving his spot on the couch and his book as he left the room, another pulse hit me but it wasn't just pain, I heard screams in my head, my headache pulsed as the screams grew louder, I covered my mouth as I felt my vomit threatening to leave my mouth, I couldn't hold it back I doubled over and threw up, my headache subsided slightly but the screams didn't, I shakily stood up, I put my hands out in front of me, they were shaking, I whimpered, when I felt a jolt hit my body, my power seemed to electrocute me, I fell back to my knees 'what's going on?!' I mentally screamed, I let out a howl of pain, I curled myself up into a ball, Teep and Tinker rushed in, "pup?! What's going on?!" Teep asked dropping the glass of water and Advil, rushing towards me "screams, power, I don't know!" I sputtered, all of a sudden the screams died out and this gaspy, growling, laugh echoed through my head but then a voice cried out but I couldn't understand it, it was muffled, it just kept calling out, "pup?" Teep asked helping me back onto the couch, suddenly my thoughts stopped spinning, and the pulse was gone, the headache wasn't however, "g-gimme the Advil..." I said holding my head in my hands, "don't drop this stuff next time" Tinker advised "I'm going to go find a bucket and mop" Tinker groaned as he walked off, Teep handed me the glass and the medicine I put the medicine in my mouth and begun to drink the water, the water tasted metallic, the Advil helped the headache, I concentrated on the voice, it spoke in a different language but I somehow understood it, the water ashari isn't strong enough, the water is gone, betrayed from inside, we're sorry, I shook my head in disbelief this didn't sound good, not one bit. A few hours had passed, I didn't feel horrible like I did beforehand, I searched around for Tinker, I was focused on figuring out what had happened, when I bumped into very excited magic bro's "what's got your guys so pumped?" I asked trying to concentrate on what I was doing, but wanted to be polite "oh we found a spell called scry, and we wanted to test it" Kye explained, my attention shifted "what does it do?" I asked forgetting what I was thinking about earlier "um we think it let's you see things in a way, like if you think about it, you get a vision we guess?" Tom said shrugging "can I test it with you guys?" I asked, my tail wagging they looked at each other and shrugged "sure why not?" I smiled as we headed for the basement and into a separate room with a cauldron, it looked like it was already set up, "so what do I do?" I asked "place your hand on the cauldron and concentrate?" Kye suggested I shrugged and did as they said, as I placed my hand in the cauldron it was cold and lifeless "now what?" I asked "we gotta put stuff in just give us a second!" Tim huffed grabbing stuff in jars, and pulled out a big book, they opened it and begun to chant.
Kye, Thomas, mystical third voice (😑)
"thrice the branded cat has mewed"
"thrice and once the hedgehog whined"
As they continued to chant it sounded like a third voice joined the song like spell.
"The raven caws it is time"
"Round about the cauldron go; in the poisoned entrails throw. Toad, that under cold stone days and nights have slowly grown, sweltered venom sleeping got, boiling first in blacked pot."
Kye threw in different things into the water of the cauldron I looked in and the water began to change.
"Double, Double toil and trouble; fire burn, and cauldron bubble."
"Fillet of a copper snake, in the cauldron boil and bake; eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog, Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting, lizard's leg and owlet's wing, for a charm of mighty trouble, like a Hell broth boil and bubble"
As Thomas chanted this he threw in everything he listed I bit in my tongue slightly as he threw in the dogs tongue, yeesh this stuff is starting to smell rank.
"Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn, and cauldron bubble"
"Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, of the shark, the maw and gulf, root of hemlock dug at night, liver of man died afright, horn of bull, hair of Jew, gall of goat, and strips of yew, silvered in the moon's eclipse, nose and Turk and Tartar's lips, finger of a stillborn babe, dirt from an innocent's grave, gather all into the spell, to raise up hell."
As the voice listed these things Tom and Kye threw in the things, the colour changed and the smell was gone.
"Cool it with the baboon's blood, then the charm is firm and good"
As Thomas poured this vile of blood into the water, it flashed with light, the cauldron was warm and lively "there now think of whatever you need to think about" Kye said dusting his hands I shook off the thought of the ingredients and where in the hell they got them from and concentrated on the voice I heard, I looked into the water and saw a village, but it was tainted, I saw towns people being infected as they cried out I felt a small pulse from before, the town was destroyed "this is a sorry sight" Tom said looking in "a foolish thought to say a sorry sight!" I snapped "these people called out to me somehow, they have my element and their all gone! This was why my power seemed to electrocute me!" I exclaimed taking my hand away from the cauldron and stepping back "I gotta tell Tinker!" I said booking it out of the room as fast as I could.

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