Chapter twenty-five "the ghostly council"

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Chapter twenty-five "the ghostly council"
Hey guys I haven't done this in ages buuut I'm gonna do a QnA any questions or something else you wanna ask me, ask of me in the comments and I'll answer, that or certain people in this book :3
Third Person p.o.v
Different dulled coloured lights filled the empty void Damien floated their alone a grey aura surrounded him not his transparent self but him, the real him, he tried to calm himself down 'Dean can't die... if he dies the water element would be given to someone random and what would happen then?! What if the new bearer of that element turns evil and helps enderdarkness?! What if they find them and try to kill the rest of the elementals?! How will we return to our own bodies?!' Damien's thoughts took over he clutched his head trying to make the voices stop... the pale blue light started to glow brighter as Dean appeared, Dean was shaken from the whole ordeal Dean looked towards Damien, he floated towards him his blue aura darkened slightly with worry, "are you okay?" He asked going to touch Damien's back, Damien straightened grabbing Dean's wrist as a reflex, Dean pulled away his wrist "sorry...and I'm fine" Damien said "how'd you find this place? Or better yet me?" Dean stopped and thought for a bit at the question "um I dunno first it was empty and just me, and then a feeling and now seeing you and the other aura's" dean explained sudden they were embraced by a third person a brown aura mixed with the grey and blue "violet?" The two asked she let go of them is it really you two? Or is it this ghost thing playing tricks on me? Violet signed they nodded "no violet its us really us" dean said with a smile.

One by one the other ghosts appeared they all floated in a circle "so why are we all here?" May asked "I don't mind it's an excuse to see all of you again!" Finn squeaked "well maybe we should all discuss about the ender lady in the room" Petal said the mood dropped at the mention of the last element "we should have destroyed her" May said that's true violet signed "what and be killed in the process?" April argued um but wouldn't that have saved everyone else? Violet asked "thats what we are now aren't we?!" Dean shouted not really but-- "We're all dead if this thing is left to attack anyone!" Jonny shouted out true but we could-- "we can't do anything!" Skylar said with a huff that's n-not true-- "she's already won she's making an army" Winter said sulking but the new elementals can-- "we can't just sit here and do nothing!" Mathew shouted out see that's the spirit but we can't-- "then what do you suggest we do then oh mighty leader?!" Petal shouted out being sarcastic at the last remark guys please stop fighting! This isn't getting anything solved! Violet signed desperate for anyone to notice "guys maybe we shouldn't fight!" Finn pointed out finally-- "Finn we can't be nice to everyone so just shush and try and think of something useful besides talking to her" Damien hissed at Finn, tears welled in Finn's eyes but he stayed strong trying to calm the group down, Violet had heard enough, she floated back from the arguing group no one seemed to notice her leaving she floated by herself thinking,planning when all of a sudden a cunning plan hit her she floated back to the group trying to hide her devious smile, she tapped Finn on the shoulder and brought him aside "Violet are you okay?" Finn asked worrying about his friends as usual I'm fine I've just had an idea but I need your help Violet signed smiling "um okay what's your plan?" Finn asked sorry finny can't tell you you know just in case "oh okay I understand! But what do you need me to do?" You know we can posses bodies right? "Mmm?" Just suggest we posses the new elementals and I'll do the rest from there "okay then!" Finn said the two with a smile floated back to the group "guys! We have a plan!" Finn shouted out the shouted stopped as the rest of the ghosts turned to the two "really?" Damien asked Finn nodded "why don't we just posses the elementals?" Finn suggested "huh Finn never thought of you as the cunning type..." Skylar pointed out Finn shrugged "well who should go first?" Petal asked Violet put her hand up once you see me in control of Teep take over your elements and we'll go from there Violet smiled the rest of the group nodded Finn looked to her worried, she winked in response disappearing to the mortal realm.

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