Chapter thrity-five "you know them?!"

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Chapter thirty-five "you know them?!"
Tinker's p.o.v
I was hiding in my lab, fixing it up that and researching what Summer had told me earlier in the day, I looked at my phone, it was just past midnight 'whoops, better get to bed' I thought, I left my lab hiding my lab in the process, I left the library and up the stairs towards my room "Tinker bellie!" A voice called out I cringed at the name "I'm not Tinker Bell!" I snapped turning around seeing Emma rushing towards me "what you doing up so late?" I asked "I could ask the same thing to you!" Emma said slowing down her pace and stopping in front of me "ah anyway you called for me?" I asked "uh yea we have two people down in the cells" "what?! You grabbed people?!" "No! We're not barbaric! (Well maybe a few of us....) these people came in and tried to kill us!" " did you see a symbol on them?" "One had a pentagram over her eye and they had something around their neck, oh that an one of their blades are lodged in Sky's shoulder" "*sigh* alright I'll check it out" I said walking back towards the stairs and into the basement. "So when are we allowed to leave?" A familiar voice asked "not right now we have some questions" I asked entering the room "Alpha" they greeted "M,B long time no see" I said rubbing the back of my neck nervously "um hold up...YOU KNOW THEM?!" James exclaimed "uh yea, from old projects" I said " going to repay us the many favours you owe us and release us?" B asked in thieves cant "oh god not this gibberish" Sky complained I sighed "I might but I have questions first so stick around?" I said in broken thieves cant "you speak that language?!" James asked M and B chuckled "shut up I'm a bit rusty I haven't had to use this in a long time" I complained "okay Tinkerbell start talking what they saying?" Sky asked I cringed at the nickname "aww poor Alpha reduced to a beta" B sneered in thieves cant I froze at that name "don't you dare mention them" I growled "mention who?" James asked stepping towards me, I took a breath and calmed down "Sky, James can you please leave?" I asked they looked at each other and whispered something before nodding and leaving I sighed taking the seat Sky was sitting at, "so what are you guys doing here?" I asked "you know the usual, paid to kill or steal, and then to return home back to the clasp" B said cracking his knuckles I sighed "you tried to kill someone?" I asked "Sky" B said "and?" I asked "what do you mean 'and' there is no and" "see now that's bullshit, who else did you try and kill" "well James and a child" "thought as much....they catch you here?" "Nah we booked it, but Sky and James fought us at the local tavern" I sighed angrily "we gonna have to pay damages?" I asked really hoping not to "or did they drop some money?" "Your friend fucked up my eye I hope you know" M growled I looked at her right eye, it was a black eye "uh sorry about that" I said reaching for the cell keys "look I'm trying to be a good leader but they're all so arrogant, I'm afraid that's what is going to kill them" I admitted "I sense a deal coming on" B said I rolled my eyes and tossed them the keys, they looked to one of the near by shadows I sighed knowing what they were getting at "what they say?" I asked in thieves cant "they said they'd watch from the shadows" B said in thieves cant I groaned 'of course they would' I mentally cursed I looked to their stuff " if your looking for smoke bombs, it's in the third pouch" M pointed out in thieves cant I searched her bag and grabbed the smoke bomb and threw it on the floor in front of the shadow, they unlocked the cell, rushed past me grabbing their stuff and running off, I coughed swatting the smoke out of my face when I realised M's snake wrapped around my arm, it flashed and the once snake dagger changed into a bracelet that wrapped up my arm, I sighed knowing they wanted to meet later.

I woke up late afternoon-ish I looked at my arm that bracelet thing hadn't moved only tightened 'her and her facing enchantments' I mentally cursed I lifted my arm and looked at the white gem eyes on the bracelet "can you wait till I get dressed at least...?" I asked getting out of my bed and getting changed, I stumbled into the kitchen for lunch, I made myself a coffee and put some toast on "oh stinkerbell" a voice called I facepalmed "oh for fucks sake can you stop comparing me to a fucking Disney fairy?!" I shouted out angrily "what happened in there?" James asked stepping next to me I sighed "I don't know, one minute I'm taking to them and the next the whole room is filled with smoke" I lied grabbing my drink and taking a sip from it "but how?" James asked I shrugged pointing to my coffee as I continued to drink from it, (it was scalding hot, I had just finished making it when James came it), James huffed and walked off as soon as he did I put the cup down and gasped for air my throat was on fire! My whole mouth was burning, I sighed reaching for my toast, the band around my arm tightened I clenched my teeth at the pain, I got the message..., I left my toast and headed out the door I changed into my elemental form and took to the skies, the band that was now around my leg tightened even more "calm your shit I'm coming! I'm coming!" I complained at the band around my leg, I saw the town ahead of me and little bit further out the two people I was looking for, I swooped down slowly landing in front of them, they stepped back slightly "that you Alpha?" B asked in amazement, M whispered something and the band around my leg changed back into a snake and slithered back to M, I puffed out my feathers slightly "why'd you want to talk?" I asked looking around "we need you to come with us" B said "ugh really? First your snake tried to cut off circulation in my arm and now you want me to come with you?" I asked digging my talons into the dirt "might I remind you what most of the clasp will do to me?" "What welcome you back?" B asked walking around me I rolled my eyes and smacked his legs out with my tail feathers M chucked "come on....we could be a trio again" M suggested I flinched slightly at the mention of that part of my past "n-no...I'm an elemental now" I said trying to stand taller when a sudden pain hit me, like a pinch, I sqwaked in pain as I turned my head around and saw B with one of my feathers "oh I'm sorry did that Hurt?" He asked with a slight smile "I'm an electric paragon falcon try me fucker" I growled at him, puffing my feathers out more, "boys if your done playing we still have a job" M pointed out I sighed "look I'll pay, just as long as you leave us alone" I said "okay but we really don't want to walk" B said "oh no! No!" I said backing up, but they both jumped on my back, I groaned "one trip and that's it" I growled "can I keep the feather?" B asked I grumbled as I took off completely ignoring B.

Emma's p.o.v
I was eating lunch quietly whilst practicing with a nearby pot plant, making it grow and shrink, latch onto stuff, and other things, James walked through one of the nearby shadows "hey you seen Tinker?" He asked "no? Thought you were talking to him" I pointed out finishing my lunch "um early this afternoon yes, but he walked out rather quickly" James explained "ugh no one else has seen him?" "Nope no one" "we really gotta set up a plan to keep an eye on Tinker" James huffed sitting down at the table with me "maybe we can have a buddy on him" I suggested "a buddy system?" James asked "well we're always losing him correct?" "Yea?" "So just keep a buddy with him to keep an eye on him" "good idea who's first" James asked I smiled at him "dammit" he sighed "but whyyyy?" "Because your the one who's element is literally 'the night' so your the best choice" I explained getting up from the table and leaving, 'what if I look in his book again? Maybe that'll explain who these people are?' I wondered as I walked towards Tinker's room, I tried to open the door it was locked, I sighed "of course" i looked around before kicking the door in, it swung open and I entered, I searched the desk and couldn't find it, I sighed, this was gonna take a while. I searched for two hours before I finally found that book I read through it quickly, "I've been taken in by the clasp, since I've left the government they decided to take me in, I've been partnered into a trio they go by the terms M and B" I skipped a few lines "few months passed by but I barley remember them, I need to leave tonight, Alpha will leave the clasp and hopefully not need to return on bad terms" 'so that's where he knows them from' I thought I put the book back where I'd found it and closed the door behind me "this is so confusing" I muttered leaving the room.

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