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"At least...not any usable prints..."

"They're not usable? Were they smudged or something?" I ask

"Yeah. A few of the prints that they did manage to find were smudged. There was only one that wasn't smudged but that one ended up being useless.

"I should have known... They didn't have anything to compare it to! No one in the system has fingerprints identical to the one that was found." I say "Maybe he had a clean slate..."

"Besides that fact that he's a known killer, yeah." Alyssa says

"I mean maybe before he started killing he never did anything that could possibly make him get fingerprinted. That means they weren't able to find any past fingerprints." 

"If they had then they probably would have already identified him." Alyssa crosses her arms "You know...I actually find John and Jane Doe's interesting... Maybe he took the identity of a dead person?"

"Well one of my suspects is a John Doe... We are currently unaware of his real identity so we just call him Joseph Newton Chandler III. That's actually the identity of a little boy who died though." I say

"How would he do that though? Think Sariko. How would he get access to to his identity?"

"That's the thing... I don't know....

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