Part 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19

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"Why haven't you called Castiel yet? He's leaving next week unless he has reason to stay longer. He's been twiddling his thumb worrying that he scared you away by being too forward the other day, Dean," Anna told him angrily.

Was she really this eager to set the two of them up? Castiel was worried? Because they held hands? Dean smiled, so he wasn't alone in thinking of the other in the past couple of days.

"Are you listening to me Dean?"

"What? Yeah, yeah ok, I'll call him,"

"Umm," she paused, "about that."

"What?" What had she done?

"I kinda already took the initiative already for you guys, I told Cassie that you called me because you lost his number, he's heading over to your house now," she admitted.

"What?! I'm at the airport right now, I won't be home until an hour," Dean growled back at her, letting the annoyance show in his voice.

"You'd better hurry then, I'll call him to let him know you'll be late. Good luck," Anna hung up without giving Dean the chance to say bye. Dean tossed his phone into the passenger seat. He cursed and speed down the road, if he was lucky he could make it back in half an hour, but that was only if he was seriously speeding.

"Dean, what's the matter?" Sam asked, his face wrinkled in worry.

"I have a date."

"What?!" Both Sam and Jessica exclaimed at the same time.

"Who is it? When did you meet?" that was Jessica, leaning forward to get closer to Dean, laying her head next to his shoulder on the seat, wide smile spread across her face.

"A couple of days ago, his car broke down, I let him stay the night."

"You let a stranger in the house at night?" Sam scoffed, "what happened?"

"Turns outs he's Anna Novak's brother, she's trying to set us up."

"Well, do you like him? Is he handsome? He has to be handsome," Jess piped, she looked back at Sam and giggled.

"I'm gonna focus on driving, you'll get to meet him soon anyway. He's headed for our house." Dean turned back to the road, the last thing he needed was to crash while distracted by their questions. Jessica gave out an excited squeal, delighted by the idea of meeting Castiel so soon.

Dean zoomed down the road, not paying attention to the scenery. Sam and Jessica chatted excitedly in the backseat, occasionally laughing at a joke or holding hands. Dean smiled at them, he was a little jealous of their relationship, they got along so well and had been dating since Sam first entered college a couple of years ago. Thanks to Dean becoming a well-known writer in so short a time, he could afford to pay for his brothers schooling plus the manor that they lived in so that they could all live together which was what he had wanted all along.

"That's his car?" Sam asked, looking less than excited at seeing Castiel's pimp mobile parked outside their house.

"That was my reaction as well," Dean smirked, he and Sam were so alike sometimes.

"And where is the man of the hour?" Jessica asked, poking her head out the window, looking for Castiel. Dean reached over the seat to grab his phone again, glancing at the screen. Anna had left him a text message: Told Cassie where you kept the spare key, also said that it was fine if he let himself in. Hopefully Nala hasn't attacked him. Good luck~!

Just as Dean got out of the car the front door opened. Castiel tried to stop Nala as she ran out the door up to Sam and Jessica, whimpering happily to see them home. Jessica pulled in a gasp, doing a double take as she laid eyes on Castiel. His hair was spiked up in the front, he wore a dress shirt, no tie, with black dress pants and dark leather shoes. She whistled, looking back at Dean and grinning widely. Sam was distracted playing with Nala that he didn't notice when Castiel walked up to introduce himself.

"I'm Castiel Novak, pleased to meet you," Castiel extended his hand to Sam.

Sam jumped, looking between Castiel and Dean. He smiled at Dean before giving him a wink, taking the outstretched hand, "Sam Winchester. Dean's my big brother. Nice to meet you Castiel."

Jessica walked over, shaking hands with Castiel. "I'm Jessica Moore, Sam's girlfriend. Happy to meetcha."

Dean walked over to the trunk, Castiel striding over to meet him there. He smiled at Dean, blue eyes glistening. "Let me help," Castiel offered, picking up one of the suitcases and following Dean inside. Sam ran inside with Nala, Jessica right behind.

Once inside Dean dropped the suitcases at the first step of the staircase. "Sammy, you okay? I'm going to head out with Castiel."

"Dean, it's Sam. I'm not a child, we'll be fine. Go have fun on your date," Sam winked again at the last part, slapping Dean on the back before picking up the bags. Jessica followed, they were both quickly out of sight.

"Ready?" Dean asked, Castiel nodded, following Dean back into the impala.

"Where are we going?"

"My favorite place besides home, I hope you'll like it," Dean revved up the engine, making sure Castiel was all buckled up before hitting the gas.

"I'm sure I will," Castiel gave Dean a smile that melted his insides. He resisted the urge to lunge at the other man, to smash their lips together. That could wait for later, Dean focused on the road, humming along to the soft rock music playing. Castiel rolled down the window, letting his hand ride the air current, a look of calm on his face.

The ride was mostly quiet, Dean humming to the music while Castiel admired the scenery. Soon enough, they were no longer in the countryside but in the middle of the nearest town. Dean parked the impala in front of a Victorian looking building.

"What is this place?" Castiel asked, admiring the architecture of the building in front of him.

"It's where I come to get a lot of my inspiration for writing," Dean answered, getting out of the car and walking towards the beautiful building.

He opened the door for Castiel, letting him take in the view. The outside of the building was beautiful, but the was the most beautifully, carefully planned out library that Castiel had ever laid eyes on. Bookcases filled with volumes of different colors, textures and widths, all extended ten feet in the air, in certain areas, even more where ladders were placed to reach the top shelves. Tall windows with stained glass painted the inside of the buildings different hues. Desks, chairs and sofas were scattered about, all comfy and inviting.

"This place is...beautiful," Castiel's eyes flickering around, taking in all the details, a look of wondrous delight across his handsome face.

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