Part 20 & 21

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Dean waited till Castiel had stopped scanning the library before tugging on his sleeve, "Let me show you my favorite part."

Castiel followed Dean who walked towards the other side of the library. At the other end there was a door hidden in a nook between the bookcases. "Not a whole lot of people venture this way, so this part isn't as crowded as the rest," Dean explained, opening the intricate wooden door to let Castiel through.

"Wow..." Castiel uttered. While the rest of the library was decorated in darker tones this huge room was the complete opposite. White walls lined with greek paintings, the ceiling was also painted with a beautiful sky, angels and gods alike depicted frolicking together. There were fewer bookcases in this room, but mainly lots of chairs and sofas, hidden nooks where someone could hide away for extra privacy, the windows had thin, translucent white curtains that billowed in the wind.

Dean walked over to one of the sofas facing one of the windows, the light shining through making his eyes a lighter shade of green. Castiel sat beside him, their knees touching slightly, he was very aware of how close they were. Besides them, there were a couple of other people in the room, though they were all occupied with the books that they were reading that they did not notice when Dean and Castiel began to converse in hushed voices.

"You said you write? Is that for your job?" Castiel asked in a quiet voice, inching ever so closer to the other man to hear his response.

"Yes, I'm a writer. I was in the middle of writing when we first met."

"I haven't seen your name before on books, are you a more obscure writer?" Castiel tilted his head cutely to the side, trying to understand.

"I use a pen name, to keep out of the press," Dean explained.

"Can I know what it is?"

"As long as you don't tell another soul."

"I promise."

"Jensen Ackles."

If Castiel had been drinking, he would have spat it out right then. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Jensen Ackles? Best-selling author Jensen Ackles? "Are you surprised? Don't believe me?" Dean asked, furrowing his brows, trying to guess at Castiel's thoughts, all he could read was that he was surprised, which was to be expected given the situation.

"No it's not that. I believe you, I'm just very surprised. I love your books," Castiel responded, looking back into Dean's eyes with rosy cheeks.

"Really? You've read them? Which one's your favorite?" Dean's blush darkened on his face, his heart racing.

"Creatures of the Night," Castiel responded, inching closer to Dean. Creatures of the Night was the second book that Dean had ever written, unlike the first one that had gotten immediately published, this five hundred page book had been originally sold in limited quantity, being vastly different from the first book he published, Dean's editor did not think that it would sell as well. When it was released it was the new hype, the people demanding more copies, it was immediately placed for reprinting, becoming even more popular than his first novel. He could see the excitement in Castiel's sky blue eyes, his lips upturned, cheeks flushes, hands slightly shaking as he raked them through his own hair. "Do you mind if I ask you about it?"

Dean looked at the floor, then back at Castiel, baring a shy smile, "I don't normally talk with people about my books, it makes me really nervous, but I'll entertain you."

Castiel launched into a barrage of questions. He loved the fact that the novel wasn't just a mystery, it wove into it a perfect blend of sci-fi, romance and betrayal evenly that kept any reader entertained easily. He loved how the main character wasn't one that everyone could easily be related to, the character being temperamentally unusual, a critical thinker that always had the readers on their toes guessing at what he'd do next. He loved the romance, that was not overbearing, but kept the reader wanting more at the same time. He loved the mystery, just when you thought you had uncovered a secret, you had the door slammed in your face, looking for another way out.

Through all of Castiel's questions Dean was aware of how the other maninched closer to him, the distance slowly disappearing between the two men. Hewould happily talk to Castiel the whole day, amazed that this man showed somuch interest in what he loved. Castiel suddenly stopped talking, a little outa breath and flustered. He looked over at Dean who smiled lazily back at him.Carefully, like the touch of a butterfly Castiel closed the distance betweentheir lips. 

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