Part 35, 36, 37, 38 & 39:

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Dean felt as if he was floating on clouds. He couldn't remember the last time he was so excited about something. He and Castiel were simply going to his house to chat but Dean couldn't help but think of all the possibilities. They exchanged small talk as Castiel drove his pimp mobile down the country road.

When they arrived Dean asked, "Do you mind if we walk Nala, I haven't walked her today?"

"Not at all, a little fresh air is good," Castiel's voice rumbled. Nala was there as soon as she heard walk, wagging her tail furiously.
Dean quickly got the leash before locking the door. He led the way down a dirt path on the side of his house, from here out you could have a long walk through the woods without anybody bothering you because the neighbors lived far away. Dean let Nala off as soon as he was sure they were nowhere near a road. She just as soon scampered after a squirrel, disappearing from sight almost instantaneously.

"Wow, she's fast!" Castiel admired, playing at the hem of his shirt.

"Yeah. There's no getting her back unless she wants to come back," Dean chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck the way he did when he was nervous.

"What happened between you and Michael?" Castiel suddenly asked, looking at Dean with a little bit of sadness.

"It's a long story. It wasn't his fault, it was mine. We dated a long time ago," Dean took a pause to lean against a fir tree, "my-my parents had just recently died. Both me and Sam were really broken up about it. Sam's always been good at coping, so he focused on school. He was still a high school senior when this happened. I've always had terrible ways of dealing with things."

"I'm...sorry," Castiel looked at Dean with shiny blue eyes, lightly grabbing one of Dean's hands in his own.

"It's ok, I can mostly deal with it now," Dean smiled, squeezing back Castiel's hand.

"Anyway...I was a really different person than I am now. I slept around with a lot of people," Dean continued, furrowing his brows while looking at the ground.

"That's not too bad," Castiel almost muttered, "I don't care how many people you slept with as long as you don't have any diseases."

"Michael was the first person in a long time that helped. He had a way of helping me forget my pain. I guess he enjoyed feeling needed by me, he might have even been in love with me. Back then, I couldn't fathom the thought. I treated him more like a friend even though we slept together. In the end, I got scared of being too close to him so I shut him out. I dumped him without any good reason," Dean looked at Castiel again for approval, rubbing the back of his neck nervously with his free hand.
Castiel grabbed Dean's other hand, pulling him closer. Castiel leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Dean's lips. Dean could not tell what the other man was thinking. "Everybody makes mistakes. The important thing is that you've changed, " Castiel murmured, leaning his forehead against Dean's.
Dean's eyes teared up a little. He didn't deserve Castiel, why was he so good to him? Dean leaned in, kissing Castiel for a long time, breathing in his clean, cinnamon scent. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Dean asked, pulling back to look into Castiel's face.

"Yes," Castiel purred, smiling again before lightly pecking Dean on the lips.
After walking hand in hand the rest of the walk, the boys settled down in the huge living room. Castiel folded his legs in front of himself, patting Nala who lazily panted beside him.

"What do you want to watch?" Dean asked, opening one of the cupboards near the flat screen tv. There were tons of DVDs there, collected over the years.

"Whatever you want," Castiel responded.

"Alright," Dean murmured, looking over the his DVD collection before picking one out, "but don't complain if you don't like it!"

"I won't," Castiel almost giggled, holding back a big smile.
Dean walked over to the couch, shooing Nala away so that he could have Castiel all to himself.

"So...what are we watching?" Castiel pried, leaning his shoulder suggestively towards Dean.

"Just watch," Dean motioned toward the screen, watching the beginning credits roll since it was an older movie.

"Breakfast club, great choice," Castiel flashed his pearly whites.

The two got more than halfway through the movie before they were no longer paying attention to it. Castiel, cuddling up to Dean, with the other mans arms around him. Castiel was looking at his hand, which was being held by Dean's. Their fingers untwined, his head on Dean's shoulder, Castiel was happy.

"When is Sam coming home?" Castiel asked in the most innocent voice he could muster, his heart hammering in his rib cage. Dean took out his phone, checking his messages. Sam had written to him saying that he was staying at the party, then later going to a movie at eight with Jessica.

"He's not coming back till late, he's going to a movie with Jessica after the party," Dean answered, sliding his phone back into his pocket. Castiel shifted his position, his torso turning so he was facing Dean. Castiel released his grip on Dean's hand, sliding both of the around Dean's neck before planting a soft kiss on his lips.

Castiel's toes curled underneath him, breath slightly ragged as he pulled away from Dean. The others mans breath was hot on his face, piercing green eyes looking into his own. Castiel slid his hand down Dean's chest, he could feel how fast the other mans heart was beating and it made him bite his lip. Dean smelled like leather and soap. His lips were soft and plump to the touch, leaving a faint aftertaste of old beer.

Dean leaned back slightly, lifting a hand to stroke the side of Castiel's face who leaned into the touch. They could no longer contain their feelings, the need to touch the other was thick in the room, making the air hot. Dean cleared his throat with a glint in his eye, he almost purred, "shall we take this upstairs?"

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