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Charlie and I stumbled into my bedroom two hours later, drunk and giggling, "Phil, Phil, Phil," he said excitedly, "We should... fuck. Right now." We'd had sex before, but the idea of it sounded immensely appealing.

"Yes." I stated, trying to focus on his blurry face. "We should." He smiled cheerily at me and pulled me down on top of him, making out furiously with me. It was wet and messy and tasted like alcohol, but I was too drunk to care. Charlie was kissing me for the first time in months, and I didn't want it to end. I slipped my hands under his shirt, feeling the warm firmness of his stocky chest, and drew him closer. I was feeling good and in control... and that's when Charlie fell slack. I slowly pulled away, shaking my head, and saw that he had fallen asleep. Understandable, since we were both really drunk, but I was pissed anyways, "Charlie!" I shook him.

"What?" he mumbled, "Leave me alone." I growled in frustration and went to join the party, leaving him nestled in my bed. The one time I ask for anything from him, and he fucking falls asleep? In the middle of snogging? I didn't understand, and I felt hurt and confused. The only remedy for that was to drink even more. I don't really remember what happened after that. I recalled flashes of it the next morning, while my head was in the toilet: a lot of drinking, and a lot of partying. Hangovers always hit me hard. Dan was in a similar position, and we took turns helping each other out of the bathroom, basically all morning. Well, at least we got over our awkwardness. Somehow, seeing another guy puke in his skivvies for an hour tears all the barriers down. Charlie wasn't there when I had woken. I assumed he'd left during the night. I was disappointed,
but still a bit hurt from the events that had taken place the night before. When Dan and I finally were done throwing up, we sat down, exhausted, on the couch. It was
noon already, and we winced at the bright sunlight.

"I just realized," said Dan finally, "That you sound really northern." I laughed, and the tension broke.

"That's probably because I'm from Manchester. And you sound really posh."

"I'm articulate," he retorted, offended. "I watched a lot of Winnie the Pooh growing up, so that's the main reason," Dan added as an afterthought.

He was funny. Who knew?

"Hey, not to be nosy or anything, but what happened with Cat last night?"

Dan snorted, then blushed. "Ah, you know, closet snogging. The usual. What happened with you?"

"You mean Charlie?" He nodded.

"Oh, um, long and embarrassing story. He fell asleep while we were about to, you know..." Dan cringed in sympathy.

I hesitated. "Are—are you okay with that? With me having a boyfriend?"

"Oh, yeah! I'm totally fine with it, no worries." There was another thing I didn't have to worry about.

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