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Dan and I played video games until we could see daylight piercing through the drawn curtains, "Wow, at least I don't have school today," Dan murmured, concentrating on the game, "I can
barely keep my eyes open, but somehow I'm completely awake."
I smiled. When we stayed up all night together, Dan always got tired and spouted some weird, profound nonsense. "I can make pancakes if you're hungry," I offered.
Dan grinned at me, his cute little dimple making an appearance.
"Yes. Make pancakes. And I will
bow down to you as my new god."
I rolled my eyes and stretched, as I hadn't moved the entire night. "Oh, God, my arm feels like death."
"You got no sympathy from me, mate. My legs are so asleep it feels like ants are living inside of my bones." I winced at the image, then slowly got up and moved towards the kitchen. It was early, the birds
just starting to sing while sunlight streamed through the window, brightening the kitchen. I debated whether to make the pancakes from scratch, or to just use mix, but decided on making them completely natural. Those tasted better, anyway.
While I carefully ladled the batter onto the skillet, Dan turned on the radio. Music filled the kitchen and I started to relax.
"I won't give up... on... us..."
"Oh my God!" laughed Dan, "I haven't heard this in forever!"
He got up and shakily began to sway in an awkward dance. I started giggling, since he looked absolutely ridiculous, And then began to laugh completely, clutching my stomach with my free hand; the other holding a spatula.
"What?" he asked, raising his eyebrows innocently at me, "You don't like my dancing, Phil?"
I flipped a pancake. "You look insane." But I couldn't keep a straight face and my chuckles gave me away.
"You love it, don't lie," Dan said with a degree of certainty, "You love my dancing."
A flush started to creep up my neck and I swallowed, shaking my head like a punch-drunk puppy.
"Pancakes are ready," I said, my voice suddenly husky.
Dan stopped dancing and made a bee-line for the plates. "Hit me."
The pancakes were delicious, and Dan loudly expressed his appreciation in between mouthfuls. They were gone in 15 minutes, and we sat there, full and sleepy at the breakfast table.
"Was staying up all night a mistake?" asked Dan. I looked over at him, at his puffy eyes and messy hair, his thin tank top and sweatpants disheveled.
"Absolutely not."


We slept all day, since Dan was off from school (not that it mattered anyway) and work for me didn't start up until Tuesday.
I was a zookeeper, as I LOVED animals and taking care of them. Unfortunately, my flat didn't allow pets, but I got to see them every day at work.

Tuesday kind of sucked, because my sleep schedule was off by about 5 hours. Also, my favorite monkey, Samuel, died and Charlie stopped by at the exact moment I was covered in dirt from digging a monkey sized grave.

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