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One Month Later

"I'm going out with Cat tonight," Dan told me over takeout. "We're seeing a film."
"That's great, Dan. Wonderful." I smiled, then reached over him to snag another piece of sushi with my fork. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. Not in a romantic way; it's just that Dan and I had become
fast friends over the past few months, and I had found myself thinking of him as my best friend. As I hadn't had a best friend for a few years, it made me happy to see him down the hall every day. But now he was seeing Cat, more and more. And I really, really didn't want him to move out. I already missed him when he was at university all day. I didn't want to see him less.
"Alright, well, better go brush my teeth." He winked at me and started clearing his plate.
I saw him off an hour later. He looked good, dressed in a clean white button-down and black jeans, earring in and hair slightly curled from his shower.
"Have a good time, Dan."
"Thanks, mum," he replied jokingly.
I rolled my eyes. And he was off. I felt a little wistful...and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. I shrugged and went back inside to watch some telly and wait for Dan to get back.


He was two hours late, and I was close to calling the local hospitals. I was sitting on the couch, holding my cell in my hand, when I heard someone fumbling with the latch. I jumped up and ran to the door.
It was Cat, supporting a limp, obviously drunk Dan.
"Hey, Phil, a little help?" A few minutes later, we had him lying on the sofa, "Christ, that was a workout," Cat sighed and rubbed her eyes, not seeming to care if her makeup smudged.
"What the hell happened, Cat?"
She massaged her temples. "After the movie, which sucked, we went to a pub and got smashed. Well, he did, at least. I have a high tolerance." Cat laughed tiredly.
"Sorry, Cat."
Cat shrugged. "It's all right. We already agreed tonight to stop seeing each other, anyway."
I was shocked. "What? I thought you two had something!"
"So did I, to be perfectly honest. But, you know, we weren't really each other's type." She put emphasis onto the last word, looking pointedly at me, as if I was supposed to know what that meant. Girls. I was so happy I was gay.
"Alright, I'm off." Cat tapped her phone, "Uber's outside."
"See you, Cat. Sorry about tonight."
"I'll recover." She winked. "Just... yeah." It looked like she was about to say something else, but decided against it.
Cat left, and I was left alone with a drunk, half-awake Dan on the couch.
He squinted one bloodshot eye open, then laughed. "Oh, Phil." I giggled, since he really did look hilarious, his long legs hanging over the edge.
"Dan, what did you do to yourself, mate?"
Dan struggled to prop himself up, but lost his traction and flopped back down. "I dunno. Had a LOT. Of drinks and. Did some things. Mistakes were made, Philly."
"Okay, Danny."
"Don't-Don't call me that name, it's stupid. Really, really stupid."
I could see his eyes slowly closing. "Night, Dan."
"Ni' Phil." He was then transported to dreamland. His hair was messy, and on an impulse, I reached over and smoothed a stray lock. I smiled to myself, and went off to bed.

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