Its a month later we have healed and Elizabeth is moving us too Magnolia Ranch a beautiful new home she got while we were at Canter Wood. She has been moving her stuff into the house connected to the stables. I am so excited Amy comes to my stall and puts on my padded halter and lead then throws the shipping sheet over me. She takes me out to put me in the trailer. I see Elizabeth loading our bridles, girths, saddle blankets, jumping bridles, different saddles, ropes, feed, hay, grooming supplies, hoof picks, blankets and cleaner into some trunks and packing it into her truck. I spot some of Coffee's new tack while Elizabeth and Amy are talking. I look over and Jessie is taking Asia from her stall and Coffee being led by Ryan and is walking my way. They load us into the trailer and the three stable hands get in their own cars and Elizabeth and Johnathan get in the truck that is attached to the trailer. We drive for about thirty minutes I watch the trees go by lots and lots of trees I eat hay until its almost gone. We pull up to a large beautiful field fenced in pastures left and right The barn straight ahead with the the house attached to it. The sign reads Magnolia Ranch automatically it feels like home. We pull up next to the barn and park in a little open grassy patch. The three stable hands get out of their cars to unload us. I back out of the trailer to see a beautiful almost dreamlike scene John and Eliza are holding the twins and a magnificent barn stands in the hilly meadow. They led us through the luxurious barn and we were let out into the pasture behind it. Where a new bale of hay and a large water trough waited for us. I watched as boxes were being put into the house. Stalls being prepared for us. Food being scooped into buckets. Tack and brushes being neatly organized. The pasture we were in was gorgeous nice flat fields with thick grass. I water pump from a nearby stream led to our trough promised us fresh water everyday. An outdoor grooming station was conveniently placed outside the barn. I trot around the perimeter with my friends when I spot another figure in the pasture beside us. A little gray foal prancing the fenced in area. He was searching for his mom. "Mother.... Mother" He pleaded. I dark brown head poked out of the closest stall. "I am over here Jackson." She replied to him. The little foal looked at her and was satisfied with knowing where she was. I walk over to the gate that separated me from the barn. The same horse that was talking with Jackson looked over to me. "Can I help you." I faced the elegant Clydesdale "Yeah I was wondering why they have your son in the field and you in the barn also you look nothing alike." She sighed "I am not actually his mom but I did meet him after his real mom had drowned and I have only known that little guy for a week when we were moved here and he believes I am his mother." I am astonished "Why are you here" I ask "Last week I woke up to thunder and lightning and crashing sounds it had continued to pour rain that day. After an hour or two my the barn had flooded up to my ankles. All the horses were getting anxious. Especially Grace she had Jackson about three months ago it was her first foal and she was so protective of him. They started to evacuate us I was in one of the middle stalls I watched as the horses filed up the hill into the barn on higher ground. When they got to me they decided to get Grace and Jackson because they wanted to get the colt out of danger as soon as possible. They had a stable hand with me and one with Grace and another leading Jackson. We get started on the hill the mud slipping out from under us. Grace has had enough she is kicking and bucking. A handler makes a wrong move trying to avoid a rock which means it brought the foal a little farther away. When Grace saw it......" Alexa paused and looked away "She bit her stable hand and tried to gallop back to her baby but she tripped then shrieked and stumbled down the hill. The water was growing deeper and rushing towards the lake. When I turned back to see what was going on. Grace had disappeared under the current." My lip quivered I could see Alexa doesn't want to say anymore. "Well thank you for telling me enjoy the rest of your day." I turn to walk towards Coffee and Asia where they are munching on hay and gossiping in between bites . "Hi" They look up "What's wrong Daisy." Asia asks instantly noticing my mood. "It turns out that horse in the stables in not that foals mom Jackson is an orphan." They both look confused. "The Clydesdale in the barn is Alexa she was there when his mother drowned. I don't think Jackson knows what happened. All he saw after they got away from the flood waters was another mare." Their eyes widened "Are we ever going to tell him." I think for a moment "Well it wouldn't do any good we can raise him as good as Grace could have." They both nod their heads and go back to eating. The stables hands come into the pasture the sky gets darker and they bring us into our stalls for the night. The stables smell new and the soft wood shavings feel good under my hooves. The open barn compliments the stylish theme throughout. The new surroundings are very different but the cool breeze from my window introduces me to sleep.
The next morning is the start of a new life. The sun is bright and I have slept in later than usual. Amy brings me my breakfast. I eat the grain and wait for someone to let me out into the pasture. Ryan comes over and unlocks all the stalls. We all trot into the pasture and the gate closes behind us. Alexa is out with us today but it feels kind of awkward. Elizabeth comes over to fence with Lilly and Lexi she calls "Asia! Daisy!" We trot over towards her. She has a sweet smile on her face and so do the twins. "I am so glad I have all my girls with me." She kisses us each on the forehead. The twins giggle. Johnathan comes over holding two treats and gives them to Asia and I. "...and my guy to." Elizabeth finishes and leans against him. We stay there for a long time until Lilly starts crying and they go back into the barn.
"Trot"...."Trot"...."Come on Daisy" Elizabeth stands in the middle of the new round pen with a lunge lead in hand. She swings it as I attempt to go around the circle over and over. We have been at it for awhile and my legs hurt. I am determined to be in shape for Elizabeth to ride me. I love our long trail rides through the forest. "Trot"...."Lets go Daisy" Her calling brings me back to reality. This goes on for awhile and she finally stops and walks back to the barn I decide to follow her without a lead because I just want to get back to my stall. The stable hands are staring and pointing. Like whats wrong with me just walking to my stall by myself. I get some water and start on my hay when Elizabeth comes back to grab me so she can give me a bath. After that I feel clan and refreshed. I am returned to my stall and finally something interesting happens. Amy and Jessie are trying to wrestle Jackson into a stall. When he starts bucking Elizabeth rushes over to help. She grabs a towel throws it over Jackson's face which calms him down a little just enough for her to tug him into a stall. When she gets the light halter off and the towel Jackson goes ballistic for a few seconds. He finally calms down and Amy gives him a scoop of grain and some hay. All I see is his little ears poking over the door. Jackson tries to lift his head enough so he can see. All that happens is his nose gets over the wood and when that doesn't work he goes back to eating, so do I. A few minutes later I hear a oomph. When I see what Jackson is up to his front legs are over the door and his head is up and a little surprised on how he got up there. Ryan sprints over to Jackson and lifts his legs back over the stall door.

The life of Daisy
De TodoA young horse has her life planned out for her shows every week prestigious stables and amazing friends, but what happens when her life takes an unexpected turn.